Dont know about the rest but about the Russian Army: we dont want any part of them. (pizd), which is a vulgar term for female genitalia. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all. Just about every company grade officer and mid or senior NCO I know in US has or is in process of winding things up and moving home, moving away from the intensely corrupt and hedonistic coastal areas and moving to Middle America, the towns and small cities where the values to a great extent are what I grew up with in the 50s. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. In keeping with the light-hearted, whimsical nature of the About the only ones with any passion among them are the Nazis who march around with torches and sport Nazi insignia. Will there be a civil war in the US, like in the 1861-1865 period ? obscene are really one and the same; swearing is a form of prayer and And, further, I hold that he is honest and a man of good will. Thanks to the Saker and Orlov for this interview. The latter inherited the traditions of the Mongol Empire that predated it. Its day to day institutions, such as courts, post offices and the like function better now than they did in the 80s or 90s. They go on seeing the opposite of the truth. In any case, these days empires are a bit retro, you know, and not at all useful except as a way for silly Americans to finish bankrupting themselves. Yet, earlier in the interview he talks about how those people in the State Dept., etc are completely insane. As Dmitry Orlov essentially pointed out, back then there were diplomatic and back-channel conversations that kept the peace. This is not a drill. Dmitry Orlov: Well, look, Russia is a place that's extremely dynamic, fast changing, responds to a challenging environment, a changed environment, very popular throughout the world, at peace with most nations of the world, even nations that are at war with each other still talk to, both sides will still talk to Russia and have friendly relations. For example, they do not buy Russian natural gas directly but through intermediaries in the EU and at a mark-up (part of which they pocket). NATO bombs Syria. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. At age 14 he moved with his family to the Ukrainian mining town of Yuzovka, where he apprenticed as a metalworker and performed other odd jobs. All the incentives are there to keep the thing together, with little real risk of some sort of succession movement or serious insurrection. Catherine founded the first institution in Russia for educating girls. Any Russian attack even with conventional weapons on US mainland infrastructure would be running the extreme risk of a nuclear strike in retaliation. That's what they think. 5G technology, glyphosate, genetic engineering, radioactive contamination, global chemtrail spraying, and pervasive electromagnetic fields are designed to take down humanity and the global biosphere. I especially agree with your descriptions of Howard and Murdoch. Not for a very long time. Following his cautionary analysis on the increasing tension between the US/NATO and Russia, Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers.. Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union and immigrated to the United States in the mid 70s, He has spent the past several decades traveling . Little bit of truth, a few resonable opinions and a whole lot of rubbish. Browse for Dobbin Buck interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. the female pelvis is the altar to which we spontaneously direct our They represent the grievances of the lower-middle classes within the Anglo American Empire and Europe who want a greater cut of the economic loot of empire for themselveswhich necessitates an even more aggressive and militaristic grab for global resources, markets, and geopolitical power. Thanks from me, too, an enjoyable read on a very tricky theme. Russia has said it will not wait for the enemy to bring the fight to them. After that point the Ukraine will lose access to Russian natural gas as well. Supposedly proper Ukrainian is spoken in the west of the country, which had never been part of the Russian Empire, but its a dialect that is mostly unintelligible in the rest of the country. We also dont want the Europe of Conchita Wurst infecting the Russian nation. They spent most of their time smoking cigarettes (at A$1 each) and drinking booze. Interesting times ahead. I am not sure if this is a big deal. This was done by falsifying as many votes as was necessary. I think he seems to understand the Ukraine and Russia relatively well though Im not in a position to question him on that but I do know something about the politics of NATO/EU/USA and their intentions and that Orlov gets. The entire pelvis also advent of the arctic fox need a sacred symbol, which I am happy to Large, mass mortality events are a virtual certainty at this point. If that is the documentary that I saw yesterday, the fact that Rudolph Steiner predicted the dangers of electro-magnetic radiation, in the form of radio waves, for human beings and their neurological faculties, in 1924, was a real mind-boggler. It is symbolic that Russian jets arrived on the 20th anniversary of NATOs war against Yugoslavia Unlike in Yugoslavia. Official certs cost money and many people will do not use this option. The Saker: Dmitry, thank you so much for your time and for a most interesting interview! Catherine also oversaw the partitioning of the Polish-Lithuanian empire, gaining for Russia the lions share.. It is one thing for such thoughts to be expressed by a little-known blogger; it is quite another for them to be voiced by the long-standing leader of a world superpower at a very prestigious and well-attended international forum. Many Ukrainians are probably unhappy with the current state of affairs but dont see institutional mechanisms they could use to address the problems. [12] [6] [4] In the summer of 2015, Orlov's heirs sold their shares in the bank to Promsvyazbank, owned by the Ananyev brothers. On this basis, Russia and China are a mortal danger as they offer the Global South a road to independence and development. , , . Will they be fooled by the Wests propaganda? I disagree. collapse of the USSR during the 1990s. Here is the key point: the USSR was not a normal empire at all. Eventually the place will become nearly empty, which seems to be precisely what Ukraine and its handlers seek to achieve. Instead, as RG states, the vast majority of adult Americans are sickeningly ignorant of vast corporate greed, how the US militarys budget takes nearly 50% of the Discretionary money; nor do they realize the judicial corruption, and the extent of corporate/banking powers who OWN all state, regional, federal politicians. /TASS/. might accept that deal. between the sacred (that which is holy) and the sacral (that which is Ukraine (except Galicia which never contributed anything) went from being a top-notch industrial powerhouse as part of the USSR to a Western owned and ditto run Nazi asylum. Browse for Dmitry Samarov interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. The US, beyond the grips of the deep state is also the cradle of progressive movements and many progressive ideas in many fields, and patriotic citizens resistance, however tiny, Not sure if extensive Lavrov interview earlier in April was reported on saker..extract. I think in the next two decades pretty much everything east of the Dnepr will be closely associated with Russia, culturally and economically. The following quotes (translation mine) are from Vladimir Putin's address and the currently running St. Petersburg World Economic Forum. It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. And what about the costs of humanitarian assistance and military support to Russians under the Ukraine dictatorship? In short, these arent the sort of people that any self-respecting country would want to have anything to do with, never mind absorb them into its population en masse, because the effect would be to demoralize its entire population. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. Yes, Orlov has been predicting the collapse of the US, and it will happen. Question: Are the prospects of Russia-Ukraine cooperation still vague? They preferred to walk in the other direction to get fresh supplies of booze and tobacco. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win! One cross is, perforce, for Jesus No skipping over the unpleasant. The machinations of Ukraines democrats are about as interesting to me as the sex lives of sewer rats, but for the sake of completeness, let me flowchart it out for you. It really is a concise and important expose. When RAND proposed a counterforce strategy, which would require SAC to restrain itself from striking Soviet cities at the beginning of a war, Power countered with: In fact, the elites in Kiev are currently all aquiver over their ingenious plan to sell off all of Ukraines land to foreign investors (no doubt pocketing a hefty fee). Is hard to believe that we ate going to have any kind of soft transition. The Ukraine is rather highly militarized, is awash with weapons, full of people who have been circulated through the frontlines in Donbas and know how to fight, and they may decide to put up a fight at some point. The hubris, the constant expansion since its creation manifest destiny ect ect makes the US exceptionally dangerous even in its decline. is no more. leading to almost totally stamping out the Irish-Gaelic language which was the true Irish language and then If you click on Advanced button you will get this message: Is incredible how far the financial system still runing, in south america Argentina and Brasil are runing on debt and the social violence is huge in brasiland well the next year I see economical and social conditions worst, and the political system continue runing. Hence neatly erasing Gownopolska small wonder our esteemed Polak here has to slander her as well as her achievements. And so brave This worries me as such people have a way of wanting to stay in power at almost any cost, and not always considering the well being of the country. I applaud the tree planting! Whats the point of guesswork? world, and this makes references to them particularly potent in this Something to chew on. I have to say that I fully agree with every word Dmitry Orlov says. dmitry orlov interview . Make snippets of Doak talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Correct, I went to test your statement thinking that my firefox using noscript will have easy job dealing with it. they spent their days in a separate barrack, sitting between casks of Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire By Last Born In The Wilderness 126 listens 38 mo ago 59:16 The Arctic Fox Cometh to Global Research: The Dynamics between Russia and America with Dmitry Orlov By Global Research News Hour 128 listens 12 mo ago 10:57 Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. The hunter tosses it onto the table and everyone gawps at it. I well remember false accusations against the dastardly Soviets of bombarding the US Embassy in Moscow with harmful microwave radiation decades ago, but today, far higher and ubiquitous, inescapable, microwave radiation is a veritable blessing, a panacea for the economic Moloch. Where rain did fall, in northern Queensland, after seven years of drought, the delight at the rain turned to horror as the rain fell in huge amounts, causing a one in 2000 year flood that drowned 500,000 cattle. Press Esc to cancel. Well see how that pans out, but it aint gonna be pretty either way. . It forces one to take on each new day not so oblivious to the very real hazards. Orlov is thorough. Exceptional, indispensable Pindos and their Euro-trash kith and kin have an inbred sense of entitlement to the worlds natural resources and labour output after half a millennium of premeditated genocide and ecocide around the planet. But by far the most significant change in Russian politics is that a new generation of regional leaders has been put into place. Hes been predicting collapse for some time and it has not occurred or come close to happening. They, the russian ruling class, simply wants to conform the country to the western culture and political, economical, social system. By the time the USSR collapsed, the Ukraine was its most highly developed and possibly its richest part, and some people expected that, having thrown off the Soviet yoke, its future would be too bright to look at without goggles. What mattered was his loyalty and his political debts.. More and more of what one hears from the likes of Michael Morell, John McCain, Gen. Robert Scales, Zbigniew Brzezinski and various think tanks suggests that that air has permeated Washingtons halls of power. Their fear afterwards prevents additional outbreaks and it removes social/mental defectives from the gene pool. It gets messy when rats turn on each other-but is entertaining when they are the human sub-species. But you wouldnt know that listening to the talking heads and other experts who serve roughly the same function for the Empire as the orchestra did on the Titanic: to distract from the developing disaster(s) for a long as possible. I set out a Preliminary Program For A Survivable World here: He was being a bit disingenuous, he was sending the younger men to training while the Afghan and Gruzya veterans held the orcs at bay. MOSCOW Moscow is calling on Kiev to renounce its plans to resolve the dispute over the Kerch incident before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the differences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. He lays it bare. with Jesus, cleverly disguised as the two thieves. That exposed the thinking of the US at the top of its power. In situations when nothing can be made to work and all has come But well have to see how everything turns out. It saddens me to think that so much has been lost or neglected over the years. The Saker: You recently wrote an article titled Is the USS Ship of Fools Taking on Water? in which you discuss the high level of stupidity in modern US politics? Orlov was born in Novokuznetsk, Russia and moved to the United States at the age of 12. I would really love to know the answer to this, in as much detail as possible. translationos sacrumof the Greek termhieron osteon (holy He correctly translates the meaning of Ukraina as At the end of the land, meaning Polish land. Get info about his position, age, height, weight, trade, draft, salary and more on He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. Some Ukrainian rocket scientists have apparently gone off to work in North Korea, and this explains the DPRKs recent stunning successes in rocketry. We are hearing threats coming out of US Congress and elsewhere. Depending on which one it is, and regardless of the results of any elections or lawsuits, a giant foot will come out of the sky and stomp on the head of the other one. , , -. It takes a 15-20 years to build up a new generation of nationalists and defenders of their heritage, so this could easily take 50-100 years to change if ever. They all needed to at least go through the boot camp. Sunday is full dress gig at 35th Battery. Dmitry Orlov gives his view on the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. At that point many Listen to audio about Dmoney Martinez. ******************** They will continue to see poison as good food, lethal enemies as trustworthy friends. Thus, there is an objective reason to prefer Zelensky over Poroshenko, which is that Poroshenko is a major thief while Zelensky isnt one yet, but it must be understood that this difference will begin to equalize the moment after Zelenskys inauguration. Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. Hopefully, Putin will be able to find a worthy successor by this time and will be able to convince them that a war will be a suicide to USA/West. Unfortunately they dont want defenders of their heritage. Trump and the MAGA hordes, as well as similar xenophobic and nationalist movements throughout the Anglosphere and Europe, are only a precursor to what is coming. In short he misses important implications as he is blinded by the light of his own logic His words cry for peer review. I lived in Aussie for 9 years, from 1985 to 1994. In it he teaches the 4 basic techniques of propaganda used by the US media. frightening substances and singing battle hymns. Still, Ive got scores more growing from seed, cuttings and will give marcotting a good go this spring. They are also fanatic enemies of renewable energy, and proponents of fossil fuels, particularly coal, And most of them have children, who they are condemning to a life of Hell on Earth, and a premature and wretched death. The MIC has at least two, and one is in orbit at all times. Thank you Saker and Dmitry Orlov. I hear very often that while Putin personally and the Kremlins foreign policy enjoy a great deal of support, the pension reform really hurt Putin and that there is now an internal patriotic opposition (as opposed to paid and purchased for by the CIA & Co,. sheeple have been tricked into thinking like corporations (glorified psychopaths) instead of humans. Maybe even horribly. Im glad that hes embracing that reality now. I hope that you will find this interview as interesting as I did. tingling sensation centered on the sacrum. Interestingly, former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov made the same point in his infamous American interview (with G Edward Griffin) back in 1984 (ironically). Jan 7, 2023. The crazies in the State Dept. Russia is becoming very popular for investment. As soon as it gained independence, it just fell over. alcoholism, violence, emigration and despair in the wake of the It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel "Heir to the Empire. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. What is your best guesstimate of what will happen in the short-to-medium term future? Given the choice between certain death and just sitting on the sidewalk doing drugs, most people will choose the latter. It is a psychological condition. This is outright remarkable. Further Reading Dmitry Orlov, Evgeny Malkin and Mikhail Sergachev Hold Group Chat Interview Evgeny Kuznetsov and Caps Gaming's JohnWayne to Play EA Sports NHL20 on Capitals Twitch Channel April 26. Video Interview: The Nation Dmitry Orlov: Peak Oil Lessons From The Soviet Union [Resumen de la entrevista en espaol] The Nation and On The Earth Productions. Comprehensive representation of the current givens. In the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that neither EU nor NATO membership is the least bit likely, or necessary: the EU got everything it wanted from the Ukraine by forcing it to sign the Association Agreement while giving nothing of value in return; and Ukrainian territory already serves as a playground for NATO training exercises. Saker I am just a common West European .. Danish in fact I am a bit unusual for a dane I admit , as I have lived outside my Country for most of my life , and the reasons for that being ,partly circumstance partly that I wasnt happy about the state of affairs in my Home country , mainly due to usurious taxation but also of other reasons . What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. The hunting was sparse, so, the possum would have to do. It will continue as a talking shop while various national governments attempt to reclaim their sovereignty. Will there be a civil war? Nothing really new here but the interview does a masterful job of asking the right questions; and the Shiny globo-homo eyes having Europe in their heart. Until populations understand these techniques enough to see through them, we will all have a hard row to hoe. It seems that many people in the US like to think that way. An earlier post finds educated/well-informed and practical Americans, but those troops are being thinned out every day from US chaos. Christ. Browse for Dmytro Balaba interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Heres a particularly absurd example: French birth certificates no longer contain entries for father and mother but for parent1 and parent2. Follow your favorite teams and leagues for in-depth analysis and expert coverage from the best newsroom in sports. Or continue to worship your Pope and believe in idiotic stories like Fatima and see how well that all ends up. Ethnoi (plural of ethnos) generally only last about a thousand years, and at the end of their lifecycle they tend to exhibit certain telltale trends: they stop breeding well and they become sexually depraved and generally decadent in their tastes. But one thing I am certain of, Russia is a greater hope for the world than is the US. The Saker: Where is, in your opinion, the Ukraine heading? These provisions on what rights Donbass should have were formulated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally, among others, but her ward has got out of hand. The US involvement will surely have atrophied by then. I think Mr. Orlov made some mistakes when talking about historical relation of Ukraine with Russia. Dmitry Orlov (2021) Film Review. related to the pelvis and its varied functions) is a most intimate A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. Those who survive the coming 5 to 15 years will have to be much wiser, or they will be dead. 3 defense pairing with Derek Forbort, bumping hard-hitting Connor Clifton out of the job for the night. Religiously, most of the population has been for many centuries and still is Russian Orthodox. Which is what I would do if I werent old, broken, and broke. On paper, the Ukraine imports gas from the EU; physically, the methane molecules piped in from Russia never leave Ukrainian territory; they are simply diverted for local use. The territory was considered part of Russia, distinguished from the rest by a prefix Malo- (small) and called Malorossiya. When Viktor Medvedchuk just suggested seriously discussing what autonomous rights may be granted to Donbass, he was called a traitor. Also the dream of a depopulated Ukraine to be turned into a playground for Western agribusiness may be hindered somewhat by the fact that the Russians take a very dim view of Western GMOs and wouldnt like to see GMO-contaminated pollen blowing across their border from the West. Just as an aside, your candid insights into life within Crimea are very welcome. As collapse intensifies, these Anglo American entities led by the USA will surely lash out in even more aggressive wars to maintain their unipolar world order that they have ruled over since the fall of the Soviet Union. When the civilization collapses around them, as it is doing, they do not waken from the trance and suddenly see the factual reality. Moreover, the USA believes it has nuclear primacy over Russia and that it could launch a pre-emptive attack that would wipe out most of Russias nuclear ICBMs with the remainder handled by the US missile defense system. Of course, it will all be made to look highly democratic for the sake of appearances. Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer. The people who make these threats are assuming, it would seem, that the power of the USA, its economic, military and political power, is such that this isn't serious, that they will survive this. At first, I didnt grasp the profound correctness in Orlovs assessment to the effect that Russias stunning success this century once the Wests kleptocracy under Gorbachev and Yeltsin got ousted is because it doesnt have to feed any ungrateful slobs of which the Ukros are the very finest breed. Thats interesting.I think someone has changed the Wikipedia page. And women were emancipated for the first time in Chinese history. Thanks again. Rather weirdly, Westerners think nothing of poisoning themselves with glyphosphate but are deathly afraid of even a little bit of ionizing radiation. Dmitry Orlov showcases his value to Bruins in defensive baptism by fire against Oilers Orlov spent most of his reps on Monday night matching up against Connor McDavid. 81, rode on the right side of a No. Show your support by disabling ad-block (How), Buy AD-FREE ACCESS here, for only $19 / yr. Disabling adblock for a specific site just takes a couple of clicks. It has no memory and it decides nothing. A military coup? The dumbest control element is the light switch. the sacred and the profane and refer to it as the advent of the They can certainly be supplemented. Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. Khrushchev was born on April 15, 1894, in Kalinovka, a small Russian village near the Ukrainian border. Due to a probable wiring misfit and some life experience, I like political incorrect sarcasm ;-). Browse for Doan Winkel interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. We have seen huge fires in sub-tropical rain-forests (unknown since White settlement), in temperate rain forests and alpine meadows in Tasmania (also previously unseen, probably for hundreds of years, at least). while wren is a small marsh bird, As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops.. The Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau launched a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea against Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Paruby, Secretary of the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense Alexander Turchinov, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and others, the Ukrainian law union Aver Lex told TASS on Wednesday. The truly gross image is that of a picture of Killery with her mouth open which circulated recently during discussions about the state of her ( physical) healththe sore on the mouth in the poem is Killerys, Whether accurate or not, this is what the USA believesand likely act according to this belief. Dmitry Orlov, a presentation and an interview. After some amount of effort by NATO instructors to train the Ukrainians, the instructors gave up. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. instead obliquely mention a certain furry animal. Those in the This has a dual benefit. They are symbolically important, as the most virile, masculine, phallic manifestation of the superpower contest. The global die off is already well underway. Lack of textbooks in Ukrainian and lack of teachers qualified to teach in Ukrainian caused the quality of public education to plummet, giving rise to several generations of Ukrainians who dont really know Ukrainian, have had little formal instruction in Russian, and speak a sort of informal half-language. You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. Sadly. Yes, you might be right that Russia would not, at least in the near future, rebuild the lands east of the river Dnieper. Nature-like technologies, a phrase coined by Vladimir Putin, is a focal point of discussion in this recent interview with Dmitry Orlov. [1] Orlov previously played for the Washington Capitals, with whom he won the Stanley Cup in 2018 after defeating . Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. History shows that the genie is out of the bottle and will be used at some point in time. Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer. I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. He. The thought of Odessa, in particular, in the hands of the Ukronazi vermin, remains sickening, particularly given the massacre that the Western fakestream media vermin refuse to acknowledge even happened. The technosphere, which I defined in my 2016 book Shrinking the Technosphere as a nonhuman global emergent intelligence driven by an abstract teleology of total control, has seen its interests greatly advanced in the course of the 2020-21 coronavirus pandemic, with large parts of human populations forced to submit to control measures that made a mockery of their vaunted human rights and democratic values.
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