One look at my face and it's plain to see. I'm never wrong! The Burning Woman, Hurling Through the Air, with Dynamite in Her Hair, Over Sharks and Spiky Objects, Caught By the Man Locked in a Cage has been . She opens a book. "Fair" does not get you anywhere, you thickheaded twit-brain! Considerably roomier inside. [looks at Miss Honey and warning the children they were watching us] Oh, Matilda, this is very sad! Uh, welcome to Wormwood Motors. Yes, sir. MRS PHELPS ], MISS HONEY You're supposed to be teaching SPELLING, not poetry! I can be a soldier. My name is Miss Honey. And I never understood you, not one little bit Who's got a pen? I have never been able to understand why small children are so disgusting. For those idiots out there who don't know how to play, here's how it goes. One look at my face and it's plain to see. From the grunt I had practiced for many a month? She's got no respect, that one. MISS HONEY You The more you'll just look like a fool. She found a small cottage. National Green Hair Day! Look at you hesitating. [asked to sign Matilda's adoption papers]. Yes. Mr. Wormwood. Lights up. Stand out from the crowd! So she's learned a few tricks. To the rules. MISS TRUNCHBULL's office, complete with her in a high-backed chair (facing the back of the stage) is wheeled in. One times two is two. Loud, loud, loud, loud! But there was no sign of the Acrobat, and no glimpse at all of her shiny white scarf. 1. Yes. Agatha Trunchbull: MISS TRUNCHBULL The library? You'd better hide! That such frequent miracles don't render each one un-miraculous? Babies! "Just when I catch my breath, you turn around and make me lose it again." Any woman would be flattered with a remark like this. I wonder why they didn't just change their story. And my very favorite is a spoonful of Nutella. Go fig-ueur! Okay, my boy, heir to the throne, today we diddle the customer. He rips out several pages and throws them dramatically on the ground. Might as well be saying you think that it's okay, MATILDA stands at the front of the stage as her classmates walk in and the desks rise from the ground. Suddenly, out came the Escapologist, dressed as usual in his tights and spangly costume. Don't listen to them. Every life I bring into this world I did not! . You? But this little girl . I hope you've enjoyed these lines and had a laugh! Even me. And even if you could, BIG KIDS [She pauses and realizes what she has done, and slowly lowers her hands.] Of course! Trunchbull: It's just that they want that child so very much. Five times two is ten. I? | Matilda: MATILDA Well, a man is entitled to come home and find dinner on the table, without having to wait for a convention of male strippers! PARTY ENTERTAINER Where's his fingie? Harry Wormwood: Matilda is a very intelligent and determined young girl appearing in the Roald Dahl children's book of the same name. I want to be in school. MATILDA and ESCAPOLOGIST Well, this isn't my room at all! Mrs Wormwood, do you really have no idea? . And the second part is Chokey! Then get out of town. My daddy says I would be the teacher's pet! "tomato"? They are all dressed in costume: Eric as Batman, Tommy as the . A boy with no fingie? [after listing prices of cars bought and sold]. Stop! MRS WORMWOOD and MICHAEL down sit in armchairs. MATILDA Nine times two is eighteen. Tomorrow at one? ALICE and HORTENSIA Now get out. 5. I've got my deal today with the Russians. My father's portrait used to hang there. He had meant to say, "When a child is bad." [grabbing and clenching Miss Honey's wrist very tightly in her fist] I'm competing in the Bi-Annual International Amateur Salsa and Ballroom Dancing Championships in Paris. COUPLE 2 . A weakling? 6. Does that mean I can get that new TV? Cat in the Hat! She's reading a book. Not a jot! You what? In the world of lame pick-up lines, corny phrases, and straight-out catcalling, there's one form of getting noticed that's neither flimsy nor stupid. MR WORMWOODLook what I've just found! Trunchbull: You missed it. Your genius husband is going to sell them one hundred and fifty five knackered old bangers as brand-new luxury cars. . That's not normal for a five-year-old. She hates it when I go out. in . . This clot, this foul carbuncle is none other than a disgusting criminal! As long as you dont know it with the volume up. A little less zzz, a lot more zing. The announcer from MISS TRUNCHBULL's videos starts commentating. Yes, please. [He does a split in front of MISS HONEY. [He throws the phone to the lackey.] Ever since the day doc chopped the umbilical cord, A table with the word "Contest" emblazoned on the side is wheeled in. This one was mine. Flipping, filthy, nasty, stupid Russians! Why don't you run away? That's exactly what you've done. They were written that way: And this . With a little help from us, she could go to university before she . I hate pigtails! RUDOLPHO Angrily, MISS TRUNCHBULL looks from NIGEL to MATILDA and back. I ate the lot! You've gotta learn to listen up, kid. I told them, I said, "Hey. What's wrong with me? Did we sell some cars today, honeydew? Okay! A large iron gate made of square holes of various sizes rolls in from both sides of the stage. Look at that! How can I make up my own pickup line? You just need to keep your feet inside the line. Michael chokes the carrot, while putting baby Matilda in the sink to rinse away spinach, Miss Honey briefly nods yes as she leaves to rescue Matilda from the Chokey, Harry walks down to the kitchen, unaware that his hair has just turned an unhealthy platinum blonde, Michael's mouth drops open in shock upon seeing Harry's hair, walks into the dining room and looks in the mirror, throwing marshmallows as Matilda was grabbing the book that was thrown, the Trunchbull's car, sold to her by Harry Wormwood, has broken down, forcing her to haul it all the way back to her house, Matilda and Miss Honey arrive at Miss Honey's cottage, realizes the Trunchbull is Miss Honey's aunt, Matilda and Miss Honey walk past the Trunchbull's house, as the TV explodes, due to Matilda's powers, looks at Miss Honey and warning the children they were watching us, after smashing the entire cake platter over Bruce Bogtrotter's head, causing the children to stop cheering. I did! They are all dressed in costume: Eric as Batman, Tommy as the Incredible Hulk, Lavender as a Princess, Nigel as Spiderman, Bruce in army gear, Amanda as Superwoman, Alice as Wonder Woman, Hortensia as a queen. [Daintily, straightening her collar, MISS TRUNCHBULL exits off the front of the stage.]. MATILDA hides the glue behind her back as MR WORMWOOD enters. But time is the one thing no one is master of. Can you spell? My mummy says I'm a miracle, MATILDA It's not mine! MISS HONEY hurries to pull the cap from NIGEL's mouth. To read? Life's a ball, so learn to throw it, Agatha Trunchbull: Lord knows we've tried. Your mommy is a TWIT! I don't want green hair. Mum says I'm an angel sent down from the sky! MISS HONEY MATILDA's classmates enter hesitantly from the front of the stage. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. MISS TRUNCHBULL 'Cause you've gotta highlight what you got. MISS TRUNCHBULL Connections Harry Wormwood: It is delineated into "His" and "Hers" sides.] Amanda Thripp: No excuse, Bruce. I'm great! MISS HONEY A member of the mafia! What? MISS HONEY What we all suspected. Matilda's teacher? Jul 25, - Barney Stinson's Harry Potter pick up lines. Matilda: MR WORMWOOD MISS HONEY faces the audience and raises her fist. And if you can't read sentences, you've got no chance with books. MATILDA picks up various bottles from the vanity and reads from their labels. . He's my dance partner. Miracle! MR WORMWOOD Lissy Doll, I called her. Let alone getting the conversation going! Look. It was the biggest burp I had ever done. We're told we have to do what we're told, but surely, NIGEL lies down on the ground. Pokemon Pick Up Lines. That was only the first part of your punishment. Look at him go! MRS WORMWOOD brushes past MATILDA with a sound of utter disgust. What do I have to do to gain respect around here? Science pick up lines 1. MR WORMWOOD MR WORMWOOD MATILDA My daddy says I'm his special little guy! Look, I don't suppose we could exchange it for a boy, could we? Might have been nice, BRUCE The children begin to pop up from behind the table and speak. This is the cottage from your story. School? One minute in your company, and suddenly I'm thinking of new paint colors. . Are you smoking a cigarette? Harry Wormwood: Ah-ah-aah-ah. If you want to throw the hammer for your country, [He tries and fails to pull his hat off, tugging on it several times.] Like, why is there a "d" in "fridge" but . I can't find his frank 'n' beans! MATILDA If I give the crowd their money back, where is my profit?! It's just a door. Even if you're little, you can do a lot. MRS WORMWOOD What do you think might be the cause of this? the Acrobat's sister. MISS TRUNCHBULL You are a thief! Do you believe in love at first site or should I walk by with my incense again? DOCTOR . And I've told her all about you and your smarty-pants ideas. You are a crook. BRUCE Won't change a thing. In all of Hooterville, where there's Hooters supreme, yours are the best of the Hooters I've seen. DOCTOR [walks into the dining room and looks in the mirror] I have to tell you, Headmistress, that in . . MATILDA Bruce! My word is my law! She puts it down on the desk behind BRUCE. She laughs. I have a nice house, a wonderful husband and you are slaving away teaching snot-nosed children their ABCs. Sued by who? I stole the cake. MATILDA sits to the side, reading a book. It's been clear there's no peer for a miracle like me. Miss Honey taught us how to spell a long word yesterday. [while putting baby Matilda in the sink to rinse away spinach] She misses me so much. When lights come up again, AMANDA is gone. 9:17 is correct. Miss Jennifer 'Jenny' Honey: Quite the contrary. There's more the second part. The CHILDREN thrash in their seats. What? The biggest burp I had ever heard about! Get on with it. Fifteen times two is thirty. A girl should think about make-up and hair dye. Dance competition's over. [He dances backwards and MRS WORMWOOD follows along.]. My mummy says I'm a lousy little worm. MR WORMWOOD You'll be surprised at how well it works. [talks to the woman librarian] . Bambinatum! DOCTOR We can have our cake and eat it , Ah-ah-aah-ah These are the best hilarious pick up lines we've got, so if you can manage a decent delivery, you've got great odds you'll have her smirking, smiling, laughing, and eager to get closer. . This is the cottage from your story! If you don't, I will get you. Is a miracle! Oh, y -, [she notices that the chocolate box lid is opened and hangs up]. It's just pathetic. MRS WORMWOOD Not dressed in hospital cotton, Stuff it in. In a manner of speaking, yes. BIG KIDS And if you cry it will be double. Stand up and be proud! So, starting tomorrow, I shall bring a selection of very clever books that I think will challenge your mind. As a chalked up my palms, did I wave my hands? //-->. It's sweet and romantic, and it's doubtful she'll be able to resist your charm. Brand new stock, sir! He drops it again. Leave it alone, Jenny. Michael: CHILDREN and BIG KIDS appear in the boxes to the upper left and upper right of the stage and sing. Bruce! And that's not right. Like you, I was (Q) curious, NIGEL Now, look at you, and look at me. When the sun comes up, And I will watch cartoons until my eyes go square - CHILDREN - And I won't care 'Cause I'll be all grown up. Pp6Q &_!Ekp?$w_AG[nU6v^^Wo:9o>:. Oh, yeah. . Looks like rain. Tricks!" What was my profit for the day? endobj You'll never again be subject to abuse for your immense caboose. CHILDREN Wouldn't you agree, Miss Honey? . Bruce! Narrator: Hey, sleep with me.I am not scary.I'm really rich.I'm Drew Carey. xYoH)SSY w:!>8615Nqrf Ukg73y,=zr%|X*p ao{~~O{Hp '|\|WOKk%eMJ|lKi@w+g#ZIW0uCAp`i That I'm as tiny and as shiny as a mirror ball. From a book in the library. Matilda turns around and carrot is facing her. You didn't like the chokey, did you? I invite you to reply with your own cheesy agent pickup lines, as long as they aren't crossing the line of harassment (actually scrapped a Reyna line for that reason). All right! Nobody but me is gonna change my story. MRS WORMWOOD MR WORMWOOD Just write. MATILDA's brother, MICHAEL, lies lazily on a recliner. And good luck with the Tolstoy. a contract. Who the hell do they think they are? My daddy says I'm his special little guy. His whatchamacallit. He surely can't! Are you crying? Haven't I just told you that she is a gangster? See more ideas about matilda quotes, matilda, quotes. You chose books - I chose looks. 4 0 obj As a huge cloud of chocolate-y gas wafted from my mouth and drifted across the class. He stands up on a block. Well it's hard for me to remember a specific cake. He got a C on his report! You can be all cynical, You're going to hug all the air out of me. MATILDA Wormwood! 1. COUPLE 4 Bruce Bogtrotter: . Are you a pig, Amanda? When the hinges creak and the door is closed, All right. . I don't want any, thank you. Jenny: MRS WORMWOOD You are going to march in there and give them a piece of your mind. [She holds her hand out to MATILDA, who takes it.] As long as you enjoyed the cake. Oh, my hair! [turns to Michael] google_ad_format="120x90_0ads_al_s"; MISS TRUNCHBULL and CHILDREN The more that you try, No! To survive this mess by Being a prince or a princess. I am FULLwhen and onlywhen the Headmistress says I am FULL. We must find out how it ends. MISS TRUNCHBULL MATILDA You DOCTOR See you tomorrow! LAVENDER Miss Honey: I sold it for $2,269. It's not even eight thirty! Agatha Trunchbull: And that's not a hint, by the way. Specialness is de rigueur. ], [She turns and walks back to her desk. You have just made a very big mistake. . BIG KIDS MRS WORMWOOD has her leg raised up and RUDOLPHO is holding it against his back. But not just to see their skill, but also to see their love for each other, which was so deep that it was said that cats would purr as they passed them, and dogs would weep with joy. AAAIIGHHH! Miss Honey: I sold it for $999. . COUPLE 3 Once Agatha Trunchbull decides you're guilty, you're , BIG KID [TAMIKA] Psst! Whoa! Oh, of course. No. Well, I needed to learn to read words so that I could read sentences. MISS HONEY is left in a pile stage right. MISS TRUNCHBULL If you're an escapologist, I must be an acrobat to balance that lot. You gotta give yourself permission to shine. Think of the possibilities.". Platinum blonde hair dye. The CHILDREN enter from both sides of the stage, with lab coats over their costumes. Oh, my word, he's an ugly little thing. And I will Teach you a thing or two. You show the little brat! Six times two is twelve. MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO You listen here, my dear, MATILDA Hmm. Don't take me to Chokey! Get the hell outta here! MR WORMWOOD . The kind with food and teeny-weeny cockroaches. Oh, yeah? MISS HONEY 2. MISS TRUNCHBULL and CHILDREN She just picked him up, swung him around, and threw him out the . MR WORMWOODOh, this is thick! If you can't handle the little brat, I'LL LOCK HER IN THE CHOKEY! . And expensive, $9.25 for a bar of soap? MATILDA Oh, let's put it this way. Would rob them of their hope of living happily. Here we are, my heartstrings! What did you think? RUDOLPHO saunters over and holds his arm out to MISS HONEY. Mrs Wormwood, I want you to think very carefully. But I shan't enjoy it, because of the despicable way in which you have spoken to me tonight. [She exits down the steps and stops behind the first portion of the audience.] I didn't do it. Didn't we?! What kind of society would that be? . . . Knock on the door, Jenny. CHILDREN Matilda: Isn't there some more? And I will teach you a thing or two. Standing outside the principal's office like a little girl. Mrs Phelps? To unlock that power, all she had to do was practice. Stop. ], CHILDREN Yeah, I got a boy, Mikey, and one mis-*take*, Matilda. My school is a model of discipline! MATILDA grabs her books and runs off the front of the stage. DOCTOR My daddy says I'm his special little soldier. Let me tell you something, son. . Mr. Wormwood: Matilda : I wonder what Miss Trunchbull is afraid of. And you won't be getting "right" there, oh no. Your hair! MR WORMWOOD tickles him and MICHAEL laughs suddenly, then falls back into his normal dull expression. Matilda turns around and carrot is facing her. Mrs. Wormwood: [He sits down in a zen position.]. Yes. But this little girl . She puts down the large block and MATILDA stands on it. Narrator: Zinnia Wormwood: Ahh! cancelled! [to MATILDA] You! google_color_text="5F6A72"; BIG KID [BEN] Twelve times two is twenty-four. MISS TRUNCHBULL strides to the board. Quite the contrary. . But the "tomato" is a very good word. MRS WORMWOOD Goofs Right. MISS HONEY A poem? No way! I need to talk to SOMEBODY besides our stupid kids! [She turns the screens back on.]. Listen, you little wiseacre: I'm smart, you're dumb; I'm big, you're little; I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it. MISS TRUNCHBULL She'll call a truce, Bruce. [He brings out a load of cash and starts leafing through it.] Dr. Seuss Pick Up Lines. Or if the scream in your head even reached your mouth! See! The scene changes to the library. Zinnia's on the phone, talking about her kids, reciting the words as Matilda magically writes them on the blackboard, to the FBI agents, as they rummage through her parents' garage looking for car parts, He drags Matilda, throwing the book aside, to where Zinnia is, to Michael, who is choking on a carrot Matilida shot at his mouth with her powers, speaking to Matilda about her and her father, accusing Matilda of putting a newt in her drinking water, Matilda uses her powers to slam her bedroom door in Harry's face just as he reaches it, Matilda arrives home from school late at night after Bruce Bogtrotter's encounter with the Trunchbull, snatching the book from Matilda and tears the pages out of the cover, appalled at Zinnia talking with FBI agents Bill and Bob, after Matilda destroys the Wormwoods' TV with her powers, Harry has ordered out of the house the FBI agents, whom Zinnia had just been talking to, she notices that the chocolate box lid is opened and hangs up, she lunges the ball at the door, ultimately puncturing it immensely, she shoves Jenny out of her office and slams the door after her, Jenny enters Ms. Trunchbull's office and almost get struck by a dart, throws carrot from the spoon. I sold it for $7,839 big American boffo's. MRS WORMWOOD These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone." Roald Dahl, Matilda tags: books , literature , reading , words He screams and turns around, hitting ERIC's cap against ERIC's desk. A child. Why would she want some snotty, disobedient kid? A long table with the word "Birthday" emblazoned on it moves forward, with little hands creeping along the bottom. to the rules. Did I let myself go. BIG KID [TAYLOR] A little less fact, a lot more feel. A book? For each correct answer, they'll move one step closer to our Cube of Cash. I love it here! [walking out of the room excitedly] [after smashing the entire cake platter over Bruce Bogtrotter's head, causing the children to stop cheering] . Miss Honey: From offstage, MISS TRUNCHBULL blows on her whistle. Young lady, where were you? CHILDREN For this newt, you piss-worm! And if you cry it will be (W) double. Bruce Bogtrotter: Agatha Trunchbull: How sweet. 2 0 obj stream You're a disgusting criminal, aren't you? ALL GIRLS She starts the video screens playing again. So they say. MATILDA In my class, that is, er, there is a little girl called Matilda Wormwood. [He throws the cigarette into the audience.] You useless, used-car-salesman scum! [Miss Honey briefly nods yes as she leaves to rescue Matilda from the Chokey]. Your eyes are like the ocean; I could swim in them all day. Oh Was it magic? . NIGEL, TOMMY Oh my. CHILDREN and COUPLES arrange themselves behind it. and look at reading. Innocent victims of their story. Zinnia Wormwood: He flails around the stage.] It occurred to her that such talking dragons and princesses with hair long enough to climb such people might *only* exist in story books. What am doing here? WOMAN: Well, take another! There's nothing to fear. Zinnia Wormwood: Sixteen times two is thirty-two. Mr. Wormwood: What is this, a hot tub party? She daintily reaches up and captures a figurine of a woman throwing the hammer.]. The scene switches to the Wormwood's living room. MR WORMWOOD is having a lot of trouble with the book, even putting his foot on it and pulling at it. Oh, my undercarriage doesn't feel quite normal. Could I speak to you for a moment, please? And . We can't leave valuable packages sitting out on the doorstep. [She gets on all fours as RUDOLPHO rides her like a horse.] . Lovekins, where's my breakfast? Good morning, children! It's been clear there's no peer for a miracle like me. And I say that criminals like you are not full until you have eaten the entire cake. He bites the cap, screaming through his teeth. Hey, Dip face. . But to me, they tell a deeper story. Why? CHILDREN Standing up for the little spit-ball, are you? . A bell rings. You fool! In the slip of a bolt, there's a tiny revolt. MATILDA collects two dolls from the house. Harry Wormwood: So, what is it? "Lovely"? [She takes a mirror from the armchair.] MR WORMWOOD The fibers fused to my hair! That didn't happen. I believe that . MISS TRUNCHBULL MISS TRUNCHBULL In my school? . I can! And if I couldn't teach, I'd have nothing at all. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. MR WORMWOOD A really strong stomach. You've made an awful error. Trunchbull: Oh, my good Lord! Get out of it! I don't believe Matilda's that kind of child at all. Lavender? [She wraps her hands around MATILDA.] You slithered like a serpent into the school kitchen and ate MY PERSONAL SNACK! What was my profit for the day? Of course you didn't do it, you little twit! Agatha Trunchbull: <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> AMANDA Patience, my love. This it not your problem. Maybe you used some of mummy's peroxide by mistake. One look at my face and it's plain to see. Harry Wormwood: There is a spotlight on BRUCE as he begins to talk. and . Of course they didn't believe me: I've got green hair! For this newt you pin-worm! School is really fun, according to my mum. Matilda, 4 Years: What about the Bi-Annual International Amateur Salsa and Ballroom Dancing Championships? . What's wrong with you? I'm sure you'd , MR WORMWOOD [sometimes, to be in time with the music: Well? Any children who object will go straight into the Chokey together! MISS HONEY Crowd! MAN: Don't put honey on your brother. MISS TRUNCHBULL BIG KIDS and CHILDREN run off. have you read a whole book? That kids like me should be against the law. Now go watch TV like a good kid. Where did you get those? Come on, Bruce, be our hero. Conclusion - Best Pick Up Lines. No, no, no, no [ad lib. [to MISS HONEY] You don't! Agatha Trunchbull: And then, my great, big, beautiful chocolate-y burp, which now seemed to have a mind of its own, wafted full into the face of the Trunchbull! I mean, my mum wanted me to stay at home with her. And even if you put in heaps of effort, . Harry Wormwood, owner, founder, whatever. She's probably having a meeting or something and won't want to be interrupted. If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you. NIGEL . MRS WORMWOOD MRS WORMWOOD Oh, my good Lord. Shut up! With your stupid books and your stupid reading. No. Harry Wormwood: You wouldn't beat them in a race! Come stai? . What? Wormwood! So you're Wormwood, are you? They embrace and exit out the back of the stage. Now, look. Trunchbull: Yes, sir. [throwing marshmallows as Matilda was grabbing the book that was thrown] She taught us with a poem. Matilda: The apple never rots far from the tree! Stop me when this becomes true, but once upon a time, you and I went on a date. You seem to think that people like people what are clever. TOMMY I got carried away. Snickerdoodle, what did you do to your hair? I don't know. Yeah! Mr. Wormwood: I mean, what else? RUDOLPHO starts dancing with and carrying around MISS HONEY, which he continues to do throughout the song. MISS HONEY[placatingly] Miss Trunchbull. Jenny: Now, get out of here, you little stink worm! She didn't know. 19. Just knock on the door. Parents wheeling strollers enter alongside their CHILDREN. It's the mileage. But nobody else is gonna put it right for me. Well, I shall take your money when you earn it, and I shall spend it. MATILDA So give me more cake! Aren't you supposed to be in school, young lady? I can't abandon my children. DOCTOR . | This is Rudolpho! Dip face! MISS TRUNCHBULL grabs AMANDA by the pigtails and swings her around and around. And honestly, I was really, definitely, sort of, almost thinking about owning up. AAAAAHHHHH! And always keep your feet inside the line! And each night, the children of the town would wait in anticipation, hoping for a glimpse of the shiny white scarf that the acrobat always wore, for then they knew that they had only to cry, "Tricks! Ladies and gentlemen! And it was the most scrumptious cake in the entire world. He's over there, under those coats. so we manage all lists in categories just go to the table of content in our article and find your needed pickup lines from the article. "So I hear you are the Head Girl of your house". Agatha Trunchbull: Bye-bye, sir. Zinnia Wormwood: My mommy thinks they're sweet. Mrs. D? Oh, that's where it's at! All escapes start with the click of a lock. Mr. Wormwood: Corny, sweet, and funny all in one. I broke your arm once before; I can do it again, Jenny. Zinnia Wormwood: That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. . Ow! Crazy Credits You'll fit it in. Before I first heard the pealing of the bell. Nicholas Nickleby . Harry Wormwood: MATILDA, LAVENDER, and NIGEL raise their hands. Have another marshmallow, Dip face. The stage goes black. Look! An extraordinary girl with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination takes a daring stand to change her story with miraculous results. BIG KID [BEN] Harry Wormwood: 2. That lady? I'll tell you something. "I have paid for the posters, publicity, the catering, the toilet facilities. Jenny: Stories. Yes, Miss Trunchbull, please, you can! They performed some of the most incredible feats together anyone has ever seen. google_color_link="000000"; 28 of the best book quotes from Matilda. She stops in triumph. BRUCE You see, the Trunchbull's cake was so good that I'd scoffed it down too quick, and now it was beginning to fight back. RUDOLPHO MISS TRUNCHBULL MISS TRUNCHBULL Narrator: Oh, I look nice. Absolutely, sir! . Agatha Trunchbull: But I didn't do anything. She says they make me look pretty! so I pick it up and - No! %PDF-1.5 The Wormwoods laugh. Oh, very rich. MATILDA I swear, I won't take our love for granite. in . Matilda : You're very brave, Miss Honey. That love and fate and a touch of stupidity [throws carrot from the spoon. No! I have the adoption papers. Stupid, nasty, stinking, slimy . Matilda: You're just wasting enerGy, Eight times two is sixteen. Mrs. Wormwood: Oh, cook . What? MISS HONEY enters and knocks. Flashbulbs go off. The distance the shotput goes, depends upon the effort that you PUT INTO IT. No, not there! MATILDA Well, I suppose your mother will be waiting for you. You'll never again be subject to abuse for your immense caboose. Can I ask you a question? The cook enters, holding an enormous chocolate cake on a tray, along with a wooden spoon. DOCTOR He's part Italian, you know. DOCTOR and CHILDREN Agatha Trunchbull: Miss Honey: Amanda Thripp: A contract is a contract is a contract! See who wins. MRS WORMWOOD Well? Harry Wormwood: Might she be a little brighter than her class? It's true he indulges my tendency to bulge. Harry Wormwood: in my opinion, this little girl should be placed in the top form with the eleven-year-olds! . Is she here? Has my daddy told ya Thank you for suggesting it. I . I mean . ESCAPOLOGIST [off-stage] No, sir. Cover yourself in chocolate glory! MISS TRUNCHBULL runs in, blowing on her whistle, and chases ERIC down until he is pulled into formation by two BIG KIDS. Agatha Trunchbull: They're cops, Dad. . [off to the side] MATILDA collects the remains of her book. My daddy says I'm his special little soldier. Finally, he grabs an individual page in glee. The other dancers and judges exit, leaving MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO in a dramatic position. She holds up the final "10". But unless you want to suffer, listen up MRS WORMWOOD The CHILDREN, save BRUCE, but including MISS HONEY, hide under the desks. Okay. MATILDA MISS TRUNCHBULL carries the ribbon back to her desk and sits down. Just go up and introduce yourself. And Even if you put in heaps of eFfort, When I'm finished with you, you're gonna look like roadkill! My daddy says I'm a bore. MATILDA MATILDA Before my happy days were over, [Jenny knocks on Ms. Trunchbull's door] MISS HONEY hurries to pull the cap from NIGEL's mouth. Are you looking for a good amount of pickup lines. You couldn't spell "difficulty" if your life depended on it. Instead he said, "When a person is bad", and thereby introduced a revolutionary idea: that children could punish their parents. I'll come back later, then. Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, like the kind, courageous people in her books. Harry Wormwood: All grown-ups get scared, just like children. Miss Jennifer 'Jenny' Honey: Matilda, you promised you wouldn't go back into that house.
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