They have salaries and there are strict rules to how and what you can invest in. Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, won big on Alphabet Inc. stock and added bets on Inc. and Apple Inc. in the weeks leading up . [11], Phillip Burton died in 1983 and his wife, Sala Burton, won a special election to fill the remainder of her husband's congressional term. $50 million to $72 million): She'll reap $153,967 a year in public pension and social security benefits at retirement. Police arrested a suspect, 42-year-old David DePape, at the scene, who has been charged federally with attempting to kidnap Nancy Pelosi and assaulting a relative of a federal official, as well as six state charges.[329]. 618 members are included in the congressional data, compared to the millions sampled in the census data. The American people rejected an open-ended obligation to a war without end.[36]. [93] She declined to allow Trump to give the State of the Union Address in the House of Representatives chamber while the shutdown was ongoing. For a direct comparison to each individual member's figures (as shown on his or her Ballotpedia profile), the yearly median change will correspond with each member's average yearly change. She picked Pelosi as her designated successor, guaranteeing her the support of the Burtons' contacts. In 1992, after the redistricting from the 1990 Census, Pelosi ran in California's 8th congressional district, which now covered the San Francisco area. [167] In September, Pelosi sent a letter to Democrats praising Senator John McCain for announcing his opposition to the latest Republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and called on lawmakers and advocacy groups alike to pressure Republicans in the health-care discussion. Nancy Pelosi Net Worth: $160 Million In 2023? Nancy Patricia Pelosi (/plosi/; ne D'Alesandro; born March 26, 1940) is an American politician who served as the 52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023. Pelosi has served as the 'Speaker of the United States House of Representatives' since 2019. PolitiFact - A post about Pelosi's and Trump's wealth gains while in [47], Pelosi has been credited for spearheading Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act,[48] when it seemed doomed to defeat. Pence left Congress in 2012 to become the governor of Indiana. How much money is Nancy Pelosi worth? - Yahoo! [7] Pelosi interned for Senator Daniel Brewster (D-Maryland) in the 1960s alongside future House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. [235], On August 2, 2022, Pelosi became the highest-ranking U.S. government official to visit Taiwan in 25 years. [247], In 2008, Pelosi said: "For years, I have opposed the embargo on Cuba. [219][220], Days after the Senate impeachment vote, Trump fired two officials who had testified against him during the impeachment inquiry: U.S. Nancy Pelosi was born on March 26, 1940, in Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. In her most recent wealth disclosure, Nancy and her husband Paul Pelosi estimated their personal net. In June 2017, Representative Kathleen Rice of New York and a small group of other House Democrats, including Congressional Black Caucus chairman Cedric Richmond, held a closed-door meeting to discuss potential new Democratic leadership. [161], Pelosi was instrumental in passing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. During and after her first tenure as Speaker, she was perceived and/or characterized as a contentious political figure. [151], In August 2018, after Trump signed an emergency declaration for federal aid in combating the Carr Fire in Northern California, Pelosi called the move "an important first step" but requested that Trump accede to California Governor Jerry Brown's request for further aid to other hard-hit areas in California. America's commitment to the safety and security of the State of Israel is unwavering [h]owever, the war in Iraq has made both America and Israel less safe." Nancy Pelosi Florida mansion: House talk a false rumor, Realtor says [298], The resolution was passed during Pelosi's second term as Speaker. [270][271] She condemned the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel. What's more, she has invested $33 million in various tech stocks including Amazon . [293] Later that month, she visited Jordan to discuss the Syrian situation with King Abdullah II. [256], In 2002, Pelosi opposed the Iraq Resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to use military force against Iraq, which passed the House on a 296133 vote. Her worth is also contributed to by her husband, Paul, a businessman and investor. Bottom is one of the most difficult things. The 80-year-old speaker and her husband Paul Pelosi's combined net worth falls somewhere between $43. [124] She also supports use of medical marijuana. [305] They married in Baltimore at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on September 7, 1963. [92], At the start of the 116th Congress, Pelosi opposed Trump's attempts to use the 20182019 federal government shutdown (which she called a "hostage-taking" of civil servants) as leverage to build a substantial wall on the American border. Official in Inquiry Called a 'Hero', "Open Letter from the Congress of the United States", "Democrats Say Panetta Admits CIA Misled Them", "Pelosi: I didn't know about use of waterboarding", "Balanced Budget Proposed Constitutional Amendment", "Shadegg Finds House Wage Hike A Bit Fishy", "Pelosi denounces GOP tax reform as 'armageddon', "To sell tax cuts during State of the Union, GOP group attacks Pelosi", "Nearly half of Americans agree with Nancy Pelosi's 'crumbs' comment, according to a poll by a pro-Trump group", "Donald Trump says tax bill led to bonuses for three million workers", "Pelosi touts bipartisan potential of infrastructure", "HAIL SATAN: IT LOOKS LIKE INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK IS COMING EARLY THIS YEAR", "Trump torpedoes meeting with Democrats, blasts Pelosi's 'cover-up' accusation", "Pelosi urges Trump to expand disaster relief for California wildfires", "H.R. [73][74][75], In May 2018, after the White House invited two Republicans and no Democrats to a Department of Justice briefing on an FBI informant who had made contact with the Trump campaign,[76] Pelosi and Schumer sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI director Wray calling for "a bipartisan Gang of Eight briefing that involves congressional leadership from both chambers". She is number 30 on the list of representatives and. See which incumbents had the largest gains in net worth. Threatens House Democrats Over Contempt in Barr Battle", ""'Every Day He's Obstructing Justice.' Net Worth of Nancy Pelosi. In 2008, she was rebuked by Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., for being "incorrect" in comments she made to Tom Brokaw on Meet the Press concerning Church teaching on the subjects of abortion of when a human life begins. Those from personal acquaintances, contributions to legal defense funds and commemorative items. Nancy Pelosi | Biography & Facts | Britannica U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that nearly 19,000 unaccompanied minors arrived in March. [192] In January 2019 she supported President Trump in his decision to back the leader of the opposition Juan Guaid during Venezuelan protests and constitutional crisis. Nancy Pelosi, who lives in San Francisco, was the sixth wealthiest member of Congress in a 2020 analysis by OpenSecrets. [77], In August 2018, Pelosi called for Duncan D. Hunter's resignation after his indictment on charges of misusing at least $250,000 in campaign funds, saying the charges were "evidence of the rampant culture of corruption among Republicans in Washington today". House Republican leaders have found the real culprit for Jan. 6: Nancy Congressional net worth figures are a relatively small data set,[38] so Ballotpedia used average percentage changes throughout the study (adjusted as needed for outliers)[39] to best illustrate the average growth of wealth of members of Congress. In the November 2008 election, she withstood a challenge for her seat by antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, who ran as an independent primarily because of Pelosi's refusal to pursue impeachment. Census figures were unavailable for the raw, excluding home equity figure -- this figure is an estimate calculated by applying the 2005 ratio of net worth excluding home equity to the net worth figure available for 2004 (which included home equity). This is the first part of the Personal Gain Index. Pelosi Issues Impeachment Warning as White House Escalates Fight", by Shannon Pettypiece and, "Trump hits back at Democratic 'cover-up' claims", "Trump, Angered by 'Phony' Inquiries, Blows Up Meeting With Pelosi and Schumer", "Pelosi tells Dems she wants to see Trump 'in prison', "Trump Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress", "Pelosi ends standoff with Senate Republicans over impeachment articles", "House sends impeachment articles to Senate, Pelosi names trial managers", "Trump Acquitted of Two Impeachment Charges in Near Party-Line Vote", "Pelosi Says Democrats Have 'Pulled Back a Veil' on Trump's 'Unacceptable' Behavior", "Pelosi rips McConnell as 'rogue leader' after Trump acquittal", "Pelosi Statement on Senate Impeachment Vote", "Trump Hails Acquittal and Lashes Out at His 'Evil' and 'Corrupt' Opponents", "Trump and Pelosi Exchange Snubs at the State of the Union Address", "Trump didn't shake hands. During her speech, she discussed the historical importance of being the first female to hold the position of Speaker: This is a historic momentfor the Congress, and for the women of this country. [226] The same year, Pelosi commended the European Parliament for its "bold decision" to award the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Chinese dissident and human rights activist Hu Jia, and called upon the Chinese government "to immediately and unconditionally release Hu Jia from prison and to respect the fundamental freedoms of all the people in China. The earliest average was then adjusted for inflation. Pelosi asserts that civilians on both sides of the border "have been put at risk by the aggression of Hamas and Hezbollah" in part for their use of "civilians as shields by concealing weapons in civilian areas". In May 2006, with an eye on the upcoming midterm electionswhich offered the possibility of Democrats taking back control of the House for the first time since 1994Pelosi told colleagues that, while the Democrats would conduct vigorous oversight of Bush administration policy, an impeachment investigation was "off the table". Paul Pelosi - Wikipedia She requested House Speaker Ryan and Republicans take action via consideration of legislation expanding background checks or authorizing researchers to use federal dollars to examine public health as it relates to gun violence. Source: She has served as a US. [105] On January 13, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump a second time. [317] In 2014, Roll Call estimated that Pelosi's net worth was $29.35million, ranking her the 15th wealthiest member of Congress. At a minimum, Pelosi has $54 million in assets and $20 million in liabilities, for a net worth of about $34 million. ", "Nancy Pelosi: Israel, don't fear Dems in Congress", "Pelosi shrugs off Bush's criticism, meets Assad", "As One Syria Trip Draws Fire, Others Draw Silence", "Who to Blame If Arming the Syrian Rebels Goes Wrong", "Are Democrats Hypocrites for Criticizing Trump's Troop Withdrawals? She said Democrats would be unified in putting "a stake in the heart of this monstrous bill". She participated in the passage of the Obama administration's landmark bills, including the Affordable Care Act, the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the 2010 Tax Relief Act. In addition, Pelosi could. The Top 100 table includes a handful of politicians who left office during or after 2012. Pelosi held and estimated net worth of just under $115 million in 2018, per OpenSecrets, and Finty places her current estimated net worth at ~$120 million. The 2012 figure will be updated when available. Negative to positive increases [165][166], On March 10, 2017, Pelosi said Democrats would continue battling Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but would also be willing to form a compromise measure if Republicans reached out for support. After Republican Scott Brown won Democrat Ted Kennedy's former Senate seat in the January 2010 Massachusetts special election, costing Democrats their filibuster-proof majority, Obama agreed with his then chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's idea to do smaller initiatives that could pass easily. [133] One unnamed U.S. official present during the early briefings said, "In fairness, the environment was different then because we were closer to September 11 and people were still in a panic. [70], In February 2018, Pelosi sent a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan about the proposed public release of a memo prepared by Republican staff at the direction of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes. They are both powerful earners and wise investors who have built a large estate together through the many years they have been together as partners in business and life. Some exceptions apply; for example, in the case of previously approved income and some book royalties and advances. Because the study focuses on percentage increases, a gap in the study it is difficult to determine a meaningful percentage for a member who had a starting net worth in the negatives but increased to a positive net worth by 2012. [23], In the 2006 elections, the Democrats took control of the House, picking up 30 seats. For the 49 members who went from a negative net worth to a positive net worth, the average increase was $3.4 million per member.[29]. Relationship Status. She mentioned potential bipartisan legislative initiatives that would "create good paying jobs and will also generate other economic growth in their regions". At this time, the JCPOA is the best way to achieve this critical goal. Pelosi also opposes Trump's transgender military ban. Pelosi met with Uribe and later released a statement that she and other members of Congress had "expressed growing concerns about the serious allegations" of links between paramilitary groups and Colombian government officials. Elected officials and senior staff are prohibited from receiving honoraria for speeches, articles or appearances. Pelosi's drastic growth, from an initial $21.7 million in 2009, is attributed to stock gains and smart investments. Mortgages reported on properties that were not listed as assets were excluded from the wealth calculations, but are displayed on our profiles of the corresponding officials. [127] In August 2017, Pelosi said she supported the removal of Confederate monuments and memorials from the Capitol Building. Filers must disclose the purchase, sale or exchange of any assets that amount to more than $1,000 in the calendar year in question. Pelosi is a board member of the National Organization of Italian American Women. Nancy Pelosi on Stocks: I Don't Share Info With My Husband To ensure consistency among data sets, home equity was withheld in a similar fashion to primary residences not being counted as assets for congressional data. However, by tradition, she did not normally participate in debate and almost never voted on the floor, though she had the right to do so as a member of the House. As per the Center of Responsive Politics, the 80-year-old falls short of the likes of Mark Warner, Paul Mitchell, and Chris Collins. But there was no objecting, no hand-wringing. It is a moment for which we have waited more than 200 years. For the purpose of our comparison to the median American citizen data below, the median congressional increase was 1.55 percent per year. Nancy Pelosi Net Worth: $120 Million As the veteran congresswoman representing California's 12th District, Pelosi is rooted in politics. "[129][139], Pelosi voted against the 1995 Balanced Budget Proposed Constitutional Amendment, which passed the House by a 300132 vote, but fell two votes short of the 2/3 supermajority required in the Senate (with 65 senators voting in favor). Paul Pelosi Net Worth 2022: How Much Is He Worth? | [116], Pelosi has long supported LGBT rights. Nancy pelosi net worth in 1990 information | Trending Nancy Pelosi - Bio, Age, Net Worth, Single, Nationality, Facts House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi 1987 financial disclosure report, May 13, 1988 PolitiFact, "No, Nancy Pelosi's net worth is not $196 million," Feb. 3, 2020 USA Today, "Fact. A limitation to the data set is that the whole picture of wealth growth while in Congress is unavailable for those members who entered office prior to 2004. [29], On January 4, 2007, Pelosi defeated Republican John Boehner of Ohio, 233 votes to 202, in the election for Speaker of the House. [321] Pelosi opposes increasing regulations on stock trades by members of congress, stating that "we're a free market economy" and congresspeople "should be able to participate in that". Paul Francis Pelosi Sr. (born April 15, 1940) is an American businessman who owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco -based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm. Pelosi's 2021 net worth is estimated at $171.4 million, according to numbers reported in her financial disclosure statement, the Free Beacon reported. [176], In February 2018, following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Pelosi said Republicans' "cowering" to the gun lobby was "an assault on our whole country" and that the victims were "paying the price for our inaction". Nancy Pelosi's Net Worth (Updated 2023) | Inspirationfeed