Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite //maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/love and remorse.htm, Jesus Defends Disciples who Pluck Grain on the Sabbath. How many men went with David in pursuit of the Amalekites? (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Samuel 8:17and Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, were priests; and Seraiah was scribe;(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 18:16And Zadok, the son of Ahitub; and Ahimelech, the son of Abiathar, were priests; and Shavsha was the scribe;(BBE NIV), 1 Chronicles 24:3David with Zadok of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, divided them according to their ordering in their service. )At Nob, High Priest Ahimelech gives David food and Goliath's sword; David then flees to Gath, where he escapes harm by acting insane (2.) Bible; The account does not say that the ark was there, or that the burnt-offering of the morning and evening was offered, or that the great festivals were held. They will perish and receive their sentence by the Judge of the world. "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 22:20One of the sons of Ahimelech, the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. Lets look into it prophetically! NEX-XOS Launches OBAR by OMEALS, the Allergen-Free, Gluten-Free, Plant You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies., If you have any issues, please call the office at 385-246-1048 or email us at. He is first mentioned in Judges 8:30-31 where we read, " [Gideon] had seventy sons of his own, for he had many wives. In Psalm 34, Abimelech is his title of royalty, just like the Pharaoh of Egypt. He protects all their bones; not one of them gets broken. The most probable opinion seems to be, that both father and son had two names, the father being also called Abiathar; and this appears almost certain from 2 Sa. Im not able to find anything relevant in all the scholarly resources I have in Logos. What does it mean to taste ADONAI and see if He is good? (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 24:6Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the scribe, who was of the Levites, wrote them in the presence of the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the heads of the fathers' houses of the priests and of the Levites; one fathers' house being taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar. 26:6). It is gratuitous to assume that there were other similar sanctuaries in Israel, though the proposition that there were none might be, like other negative propositions, hard to establish by positive proof. It was "Ahimelech" and not necessarily "Abimelech" mentioned; It was actually "King Achish of Gath" where we see that David pretended to be insane (1 Sam 21:10-11) . Abimelech, the Philistine king of Gerar, .read more. /a/ahimelech's.htm - 6k, Ahim'elech (16 Occurrences)Ahim'elech. The custom of the shewbread was maintained (1 Samuel 21:6). Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. David feigns madness before Achish king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15). (See RSV). David (/ d e v d /; Hebrew: , Modern: Davd, Tiberian: Dw, "beloved one") was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the third king of the United Kingdom of Israel. Of the books relevant to our discussion about Abiathar and Ahimelech as priests, the term high priest does not occur in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, or 1 Chronicles. There are other verses where both LXX and MT say "Ahimelech". 4 What happened to the Tabernacle in Shiloh? Ahimelech came to meet David trembling, and said to him, "Why are you alone, and no man with you? Following such traditions leads only to bondage to sin and not freedom according to the law of liberty that the Spirit enables us to obey (James 1:25). A. Exhortation to Wisdom: Taste, and see that ADONAI is good (Hebrews 6:5; First Peter 2:3). By the time God promises her a child, she is already post-menopausal and too old to conceive. I promise to treat you the same way you have treated me, Why did you put these seven female lambs by themselves, When you accept these lambs from me, it will be proof that I dug this well, exclusive communications social registry, youreMISSING Out. Lying and slander were deemed by the rabbis as especially hateful to ADONAI. Absalom deceives when he begins his conspiracy to become king (2 Samuel 15:7). He was with Hagar in the wilderness (see the commentary on Genesis,to see link click Ej Hagar and the Angel of the LORD); He appeared to Moshe in the burning bush (see the commentary on Exodus Aq Flames of Fire from within a Burning Bush), and He protected Yerushalayim in the days of Hezekiah (see the commentary on Isaiah Gw Then the Angel of the LORD Put To Death a Hundred and Eighty Five Thousand Men in the Assyrian Camp). (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 22:11Then the king sent to call Ahimelech the priest, the son of Ahitub, and all his father's house, the priests who were in Nob: and they came all of them to the king. When we learn of his experience, we can take heart. Nearing death, he called out to a comrade to stab him as being killed by a woman was considered disgraceful in that time. The purpose is to protect an innocent person. Those who trust in Him will never die.90. How to pronounce abimelech | David and Ahimelech and Achish. LXX was less unified than MT because the LXX Hebrew text is much older. What does it mean to seek peace and go after it? And they went to the countryside of Moab and remained there. Mark 2:26 and the Problem of Abiathar | The Philistines also broke their agreement with Abraham and Isaac by joining forces with the nations that consulted against the children of Israel in Psalm 83 (see verse 7). Evil will kill the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. Search Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY After God informs him that Sarah is really Abraham's wife, Abimelech confronts Abraham (20:9-10). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It is possible that they were not both the high priest and are different in position. Through faith, David built altars to the Lord and offered to build a temple to him. Required fields are marked *. This most authorities consider the more correct reading. Of course, the later part of that passage - "and in thee shall all families of the . Conclusion: Ahimelech is a priest, but Abiathar was High priest "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 30:7David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, "Please bring me here the ephod." The letter of the Law is not unimportant, but it can never be followed at the expense of the spirit of the Law. 8:17; 1 Ch. In any case, David asked for food, and the only thing that was present at the tabernacle was the bread of the Presence, which was normally reserved only for the priests (21:34; see Lev. 1. So make a promise to me here before God. You never told me about this before today!, So Abraham and Abimelech made an agreement. ADONAI redeems His servants; no one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned (Psalm 34:15-22 CJB). 29:32, 33. Who wants a long life (evidence of Gods approval) to see good things? ; 24:3, 6, 31. Genesis 20, 21. How does Jashobeam become Iesebaal, or Jeshebeab become Isbaal? The decision to change Elimelech's name, which likely was done of necessity creates ancillary ripples in the flow of Israel's history as it is presented as a Greek narrative: I don't know for certain why the LXX writers replaced both "Ahimelech" and "Elimelech" with "Abimelech". Gravure de 1811 - Bible de Royaumont, Old Testament : Abimelech punished by God. Pronunciation of abimelech with 3 audio pronunciations, 2 meanings, 8 translations, 5 sentences and more for abimelech. Teacher: Show the path from just southwest of Beersheba, going to Gerar. Whether the Deuteronomic law for a central sanctuary originated with Moses or not, its provisions were very imperfectly carried out during the times of the Judges. 1 Samuel 21 Lesson #10 June 17, 1979. | 18:16). Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and also healed his wife and female slaves so that they bore children. Therefore, it appears that both men shared each others names. Abimelech desired him, however, to leave his territory, which Isaac did. 22:9-10. 1. Photo credit: Death of Abimelech, Judges, 1852-60 illustration by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld Bibel in Bildern, The Child That Raised an Army Or we flip over to David and his trouble with his son Absalom or his adultery with Bathsheba. This Abimelech/Ahimelech was a priest who served in the time of King David. Can's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? Evil will overcome the wicked. Ahimelech, the chief priest Is it possible to create a concave light? The disciples would not finish going through Israel, until Jesus returned, 2 Samuel 8:17, Zadok the son of Ahitub and. [If you do,] keep your tongue from evil and your lips from deceiving talk. Abimelech The purpose is to protect Ahimelech from knowingly helping a fugitive from the king. This sentence was carried into execution by Doeg in a cruel manner (1 Samuel 22:923). 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23) - JesusWalk He was the twelfth High Priest, and officiated at Nob, where he was visited by David (he gave David and his companions five loaves of the showbread) when David fled from Saul (1 Samuel 21:19). She remains childless throughout her younger years. /a/ahitub.htm - 14k, Abi'athar (28 Occurrences) RSV). Abraham's dad died at 205 (Genesis 11:32). Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! The lessons of this part of the Psalm are chiefly that true goodness can only be found in a relationship with God. Ahimelech in the Bible - Definition, Meaning and References David had to escape for his life. But Ahimelech and the priests are slain by the paranoid King Saul; only Abiathar flees to David with 400 might men. In Praise and Wisdom: After affirming that God is good to those who trust Him, David then instructed the people how to live a long life. Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. King James Bible Online . The father and the son were both known by the same two names: Ahimelech and Abiathar. The title of Psalm 34 reads, A Psalm of David when he pretended madness before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed. The Angel of the LORD, who encamps around those who fear Him, delivers them (Psalm 34:4-7 CJB). 16:23? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. David deceives Ahimelech the priest at Nob (1 Samuel 21:2). It is highly unlikely that this is based on a different Hebrew source (as has been suggested a few times, see for example the top of page 240 (really page 2) here), as there would have to have been a harmonization to all of the instances that the name appeared in both books, not to mention that we have no other textual evidence to support such a theory (certainly in Ruth, I haven't checked I Samuel). My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall . The point is: Sarah, at age 89, may have looked similar to . The Handy Bible Answer Book illuminates the secrets and reveals the wisdom of the Bible. "Why did God make all of the women in Abimelech's kingdom barren?" King of Gerar of the Philistines, who took Sarah into his harem; but being warned of God in a dream, he restored her to Abraham, and gave him 1,000 pieces of silver as a "covering of the eyes" for Sarah, that is, as an atoning present, and to be a testimony of her innocence in the eyes of all. We'd love to keep you up to date with what is happening at CARM. Answer: There is no contradiction. How blessed are those who take refuge in Him! (3) A Hittite, a companion and friend of David, when he was hiding from Saul in the wilderness (1 Samuel 26:6).Willis J. Beecher, How David Fled to Ahimelech and Afterwards to the Kings of the CHAPTER 12. In the parallel passage, 2 Samuel 8:17, we have the name Ahimelech, and Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech. Schipper (here) suggests that it is because it is a more common name, but that too seems unrealistic - are there any other instances in the LXX where we see that an uncommon name is replaced with a more common one? Todays passage is one such place, describing a time when David came to the tabernacle looking for something to eat and a weapon with which he could defend himself (1 Sam. 16, where he is erroneously described as the son of Abiathar, whose father he was. 1. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. David was putting Ahimelech in an awkward situation. Are Black People Jews Like Ye Said On Instagram. . David answered // childrens bible/the cost of a lie.htm, Love and Remorse son of Xer, the captain of his host: and Saul lay in the trench, and the people pitched round about him.6. Possibly Abiathar had a son also called Ahimelech, or the two names, as some think, may have been accidentally transposed in 2 Samuel 8:17; 1 Chronicles 18:16, marg. @alex the gist of it is that it is a midrashic rename, either as some have suggested that he is sort of an ancestor of david, or that because he is a descendant of yehudah/nachshon. What should we learn from the account of Samson and Delilah? REFLECT: Peter uses this Psalm to comfort those who suffer for doing good (verse 8 in First Peter 2:3 and verses 12-16 in First Peter 3:10-12). They (the Philistines) will have an up and down relationship with Abrahams descendants for a long time to come. Fearful, an Edomite, the chief overseer of Saul's flocks (1 Samuel 21:7). God is not like the emperor or a busy executive who tries to avoid interruption. Abishai said, "I will go down with you. Also, Jothams father was known as Azariah in 2 Kings 15:7 and Uzziah in 2 Kings 15:32. [Jesus here refers to the incident recorded at I. Sam. Abimelech [EBD] my father a king, or father of a king, a common name of the Philistine kings, as "Pharaoh" was of the Egyptian kings. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Psalms 52:1Abimelech - Easton's Bible Dictionary - David's Deception - Living Word Bible Church Here he received David when fleeing from Saul, and gave him the showbread and Goliath's sword. Assure that you will be kind to me and this country where you have lived. He sought to rule over Shechem by killing all other sons of Gideon, who were all slain except for Gideon's youngest son, Jotham. Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? |, What was the bread of the Presence (Exodus 25:30)? (1Sa 30:7; 1Chr 24:3,6,31). David writes in the style of the wisdom instructor, as in Proverbs 1-9, with his fatherly tone and his stress on the fear of the LORD as the beginning of wisdom.88 Which of you takes pleasure in living? This is supported by the fact that Moses father-in-law is called Reuel in Ex. Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace, go after it (Psalm 34:8-14 CJB). Promise that you will be fair with me and with my children. I. Thanksgiving for Gods Goodness and Justice: In this Psalm David called on the congregation to praise the LORD for their salvation. 2:18, yet in Exodus 3:1, it is Jethro. It was because Peter was denying the very thing that Jesus came to by Matt Slick | Jan 11, 2023 | Bible Difficulties, Matthew - Mark. Telling the Truth for Women - Jill Briscoe, The Truth About Power! and high priest in the time of David "(1 Chr. Box 1353 |Nampa, ID 83653 USA1-800-803-8093, ref. In his time he had led the Israelites against the Midanites, a rival tribal group in the land of Canaan, and governed the tribes as Shoftem . He knew what fears were. David deceives Ahimelech the priest at Nob (1 Samuel 21:2). There was nothing in the letter of the Law that allowed the bread to be given to anyone else, but Ahimelech knew the Law was given to further life and that the spirit of the Law demanded that feeding the needy must be put ahead of ritual if the two ever seem to conflict (Deut. HALOT says that Ahimelech is a conjectural reading for Abimelech, which, I think, means that it is a guess that both names are interchangeable. (2.) Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. The Jews were very familiar with persecution throughout their history. 1:7; 2:22, 26, 27; 4:4. which is not lawful. . (Comp. Of David. See more. David lied to Ahimelech about his reason for coming to him, for Saul had most certainly not sent him out on a special mission (v. 2). Well get to that shortly. DSS says Ahimelech in 1Sa 21:8, agreeing with MT, disagreeing with LXX. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Enduring Word Bible Commentary 1 Samuel Chapter 21 Abimelech and Phicol spoke with Abraham. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? Follow the History Principle Prophecy (HPP) Series Here!! Ahimelech, great-grandson of Eli: slain by Doeg the Edomite, . David and Ahimelech and Achish - PBC Your email address will not be published. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). 22:2022; 23:6, 9. We are doing that today in the history, prophecy, and principles series. What is It to Be Truly Blessed by the Most-High? However, only in Ruth is the use of the "wrong" name consistent. The two basic themes of this Psalm are thanksgiving and wisdom. (1Chronicles 18:16). 26 And Abimelech said, I wot not who hath done this thing; neither didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it, but to day. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Fear YHVH, you holy ones of His, for those who fear Him lack nothing (see the commentary on The Life of Christ Dt Do Not Worry about Your Life What Your Will Eat or Drink, or What You Will Wear). After Abraham had given the king sheep . Its always a pleasure to have you as we talk about the LORD the King, His Kingdomon theEarth, and HisRoyalFamily. of '(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 21:8David said to Ahimelech, "Isn't there here under your hand spear or sword? Abimelech asked Abraham, Why did you put these seven female lambs by themselves?. Interested in joining the Ligonier team? This was particularly the case after the capture of the ark by the Philistines, and the deaths of Eli and his sons. Rabbinical literature linked the extermination of the male descendants of David with the extermination of the priests of Nob by Saul - deeming it divine retribution because David's action had provoked Saul's outburst - and also linked the survival of David's descendant Joash with that of Ahimelech's son Abiathar.[2]. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Sam Storms, When God Honors the Underdog Abraham & Abimelech :: Abraham and Abimelech - Hugo Bouter - Biblecentre David lies ~ there are no men and there is no secret mission! David's flight to Achish, King of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15) With this chapter begins the record of David's wanderings as an exile. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. One Abimelech or Two? - Coat of Many Colors In the Bible (1 Samuel chapters 21 and 22), David fled to the high priest Ahimelechs shrine at Nob, where the Tabernacle was now located. Your Online Bible Study Supplement Source. 55 When the Israelites saw that Abimelek was dead, they went home. It was a hereditary priesthood (1 Samuel 22:11, 15). After Saul has been king for a good many years we find Ahijah in his retinue, acting as priest and wearing priestly vestments. It was faith that enabled David to cope with the death of his sons.