Find your Senator or Representative here. Naval Academy maximum fitness test scores. If you need help, we're here for you 24/7. BUT depending on what service academy you get accepted to, you will then have to start your preparation for the fitness test done every semester at the Academy. The history behind the CFA is decades old; it used to be called the the physical aptitude exam, or PAE. We created a calculator to give you an idea of your chances of appointment from West Point admissions. To gain further insight into your academic preparation and character, we require three teacher evaluations. Treat this like you would a job interview, as it is an important factor in our overall review. Physical Testing | United States Military Academy West Point Start the entire application process early, in order to get your physical scheduled as early as possible. The Service Academy Workout - Military Officer Fitness - Candidate Fitness Assessment Training Program - Crush the CFA! Candidate fitness assessment score calculator | Math Help To get better at this agility drill, practice the shuttle run turn-around, as well as the following exercises for speed and strength: The push-up is a military standard. This approach is wrong. For more details on these admissions requirements, see the Character Requirements. Official Offers of Admission are sent out from January through Early May, giving you time to prepare for your Reception Day. February 17, 2023, SMART Goals for Special Ops Recruits / Candidates 50% of the appointees fall between 5700 and 6300 points. Understand that this is more than just a title. View more newsletters on our Subscriptions page. The higher your WCS, the higher your chances of admission. Running, general conditioning exercises and competitive sports will also strengthen your abilities. The major difference between this fitness test and other physical readiness tests (PRTs) in the military is the use of the shuttle run and the kneeling basketball throw. Finally, developing strong relationships with teachers and coaches will help you when it comes time for recommendations. , including estimated score to point conversion for standardized tests, athletic and extracurricular involvement, and HS rank. West Point SAT and ACT test scores The most important factor for admission. Complete the Candidate Activities Record to receive credit for any activities you have participated in at school, in organizations outside of school or at work. This score is the top reason why applicants do or do not receive appointments! This is measured through your athletics, extracurriculars, and information from your teachers. Become familiar with examination requirements and medical standards to ensure a complete and competitive application to the Academy. Youll need to be at the top of your class if youre applying to West Point, with nearly straight As. Do you communicate effectively in written work? The admissions team will let you know if you fail though. A graduate of the Air Force Academy, Trisha has helped hundreds of candidates earn a service academy appointment or ROTC scholarships, with over a 90% success rate with clients. The APFT Calculator calculates your Army Physical Fitness Test score based on your gender, age group, number of sit-ups, number of push-ups, and your two-mile run time. You have to make time to do it right as your time is precious these days with your busy schedule. The CFA is a test of strength, agil-ity, speed and endurance. Professional Preparation for the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA How to Pass the Service Academy CFA | The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) is responsible for determining your medical qualification. Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military, Air Force, Naval, and Merchant Marine academies. The Whole Candidate Score is the most important part of the West Point admissions process. The Army Physical Fitness Test Calculator allows you to estimate your level of fitness according to the U.S. Army APFT Standards. If youre a procrastinator, now is the time to change! It is used to predict a candidate's aptitude for the physical program at the service academies. If you want to improve your theoretical performance, you need to put in the work. If you are seeking a Congressional Nomination, the process is similar across the four of the service academies (except for the Coast Guard Academy). Visiting NROTC programs and Reserve units will help you exponentially. The whole process is already confusing and lengthy, dont put added stress on yourself! Just like the SAT, West Point does not have a minimum ACT test score, but if you want to earn an appointment youll need around a 26 ACT to even be considered. The CFA consists of six (6) physical and motor fitness events that are designed to measure . You can save time by doing things efficiently. This shows you the average scores. Be the first to Know when the next PRT change happens. Send your fitness questions to The six tests are administered consecutively in less than a 40-minute time period. It is used to predict a candidate's aptitude for the physical program at the service academies. The three of these categories make up the entirety of the Whole Candidate Score. Taking on an active leadership role is a great goal for any clubs, sports, or activities you are involved in. Candidates receive Letters of Assurance based upon excellent scholar, athlete, leader credentials at noted in this post. The Army ROTC Fitness Test - ROTC Consulting By understanding the different components of this score you can focus on your weak areas and the areas that carry the most weight with the admissions team. One day your life, your buddy's life, or someone needing your help to save their life will depend on your fitness level. You should have two speeds -- one for the mile sprint test in the CFA and one for distance runs of 3-5 miles. Interesting. Understand that the fitness test is important, but when looking to spend time improving your WCS score, it will be more strategic to spend an hour studying for the math section of the SAT/ACT than to shave off a few seconds on your one-mile run time. There are many steps to the process, some of whichsuch as nominations and medical evaluationsmay take four to six months to complete. This can result in up to a four-month process for candidates. Become familiar with the six events in this fitness test and practice them to score well. Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Calculator - Ace your CFA Weve broken down this acceptance rate and identified why it is too low (closer to 50% for qualified candidates) in the post: Is the West Point Acceptance Rate Accurate. Former Air Force Captain Trisha Dach served as an Intelligence Officer from 2011-2018. West Point Admissions recommends retesting for ACT scores below 29 composite. 100% No Error Guarantee. Only 1 of the 10 candidates nominated will be offered a definite appointment. Use our Naval Academy Recommendation Letter Samples to get started. The West Point Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA), West Point CFA video recording requirement, The Whole Candidate Score & Getting Into West Point, Senior Year finish up application items. It is possible to get through your training program with running only a few days a week, but your risk future injury. The following chart shows that SAT/ACT Math/Science is the single most important factor to your admission. We go into more detail on each method that Members of Congress can be used in our post on Service Academy Congressional Nominations. Legal Requirements: Academic capability is an important part of how to get into West Point. SLE is a week-long immersion in academic, military, and social life for those considering the United States Military Academy. Do you work effectively with others toward group goals? Since we have general guidelines for what the admissions team places the most importance on, you can strategically determine what to focus on. The CFA get you TO the AcademyThe PFT or CFT gets you THROUGH the Academy's Physical Mission. There are 6 test areas: Note you are also required to capture a video of your execution of push-up and pull-up/flex arm hang events during the test and submit this with your test results. And the even better news is that the Military Officer Fitness - Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout is proven to help you succeed in not only the testing preparation, but also for the PFT and Plebe Summer training as well during your first few months of becoming a cadet or midshipman. Letters of Assurance are conditional and subject to review throughout the entire application process. Now, the new fitness test in 2020 is cadence pushups 2 min (max is 60 reps on a 2 second per up/down cadence), plank pose 2-4 minutes, and 1.5 mile run. If you're a service academy candidate who needs to pass a PT test and who wants to serve your country as a military officer, check out this the Service Academy Workout Military Officer Fitness Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout book or ebook as it is updated with the latest PT test changes. In reality, you are competing against the other (up to) 9 candidates in your district. Read on for the keys to success! They will usually use one open slot per year. Once you have your nomination you are potentially competing against 9 other candidates. Send naval academy fitness test pdf via email, link, or fax. Heres why: your initial shot at earning an appointment comes down to you competing against the other 9 candidates from your Congressional District (once youve won the nomination). Service Academy Candidates - Check Out This Candidate Fitness Who are you eligible to receive a nomination from? Do you maintain composure and perform effectively under pressure? You should get to the point where you can perform crunches at a fast pace for the entire minute. You can calculate your estimated CFA score using our Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Calculator. focus extra attention on your congressional nomination process. You must provide details of your personal record, including any legal issues, such as arrests or citations. Your high school GPA, class rank, and academic test scores are the primary aspects the admissions team looks at. This chart depicts the nomination slots that each Senator/Representative has: Although the class years have different designators at each Service Academy, we simplified them to make the chart easy to understand. West Point Admissions recommends retesting for SAT scores below 600 in Math and Verbal sections. Although physical aptitude and leadership potential also play a role in your admittance, your SAT or ACT scores are weighted strongest in West Points consideration of your application. Letter of Assurance from West Point Receive Pre-Approval. : Develop a Body and Mind to Succeed (Special Ops Candidate) The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. to see how well you did and would score on the 800-point scale towards your Whole Candidate Score. When you have to do two minutes' worth of crunches, you will want to pace yourself and break up the time into four 30-second quarters. Responses should reflect who you are, using specific, concrete details while demonstrating critical thinking, organizational and grammatical abilities. The admissions team will let you know if you fail though. Your specific deadline to complete your file is posted on your portal. Hand Release Push-Up- Army Extension - Complete as many Hand-Release Push-ups as possible . You can calculate your estimated CFA score using our Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Calculator. FREE - Check out the new CFA Calculator to see if you are scoring in the competitive range! Have you experienced failure to receive the results you need to be competitive? And with this new process, it'seasy to get better results. We advise you to take the application process and timeline seriously. Our West Point admissions score calculator is meant to be used as a tool to help you determine your level of competitiveness. He is a former Navy Lieutenant (SEAL) who graduated from the United States Naval Academy and Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training. What SAT score do you need for West Point? A Letter of Assurance is a reservation of an appointment to a Service Academy contingent upon medical qualification, physical qualification, Height/Weight, continued excellent work in school, and file Completion. As part of the admissions process, you are required to submit a writing sample and conduct a personal interview with an admissions representative. There are both legal requirements and unspoken requirements for admittance into West Point. Most of the interviews occur from July through December of your senior year. - Us Fitness Finder, Candidate Fitness Assessment Average Scores, Candidate fitness assessment score calculator, Fitness For A Particular Purpose Warranty. Why you should find out if your school ranks you. Youll also want to make sure you meet the height and weight requirements for West Point. Military Officer Fitness - Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout, Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout book. Instructions and forms will be available in your candidate portal. About 90% of the Annapolis class participated in sports in high school. Service Academy CFT Calculator : r/usna - reddit The candidates' raw scores are converted to a score between 0 and 100 points. Asking serving or retired Naval officers about their experiences is a great way to do this. You dont want to be rushing along with interviews and Letters of Recommendation by starting your application during your senior year. Naval Academys prestige and long history make it highly sought after. There is also a Vice Presidential Nomination, although this is incredibly competitive. The admissions team will accept the highest scores for each category by percentile. Both of these steps allow you to speak to the selection panel in your own words. The best way they have to measure these is to interview you! Getting involved and leading means taking an active role in the organization. : Develop a Body and Mind to Succeed (Special Ops Candidate). The APFT Calculator calculates your Army Physical Fitness Test score based on your gender, age group, number of sit-ups, number of push-ups, and your two-mile run time. Find your goal and pace it out every 30 seconds. Above all, a desire to become a Naval or Marine Corps Officer should be amongst the top reasons. (2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your own character development and integrity. GPAs can be subjective based on the school youre attending, but the SAT and ACT are the great national equalizers. Typically you are eligible for at least your U.S. Congressional Representative, your 2 U.S. Although the CFA is pass-fail, it is imperative that you perform to the best of your ability on each of these events; failure can disqualify you in the application process: Participation in athletic and nonathletic activities isnt just vital in preparing you for the demanding Academy program, it also gives your application a competitive edge. Application deadlines are based on when you entered the candidate phase. It is used to predict a candidate's aptitude for the physical program at the Service Academies. Every week, there are several young people seeking my advice as to how to prepare for the country's service academies fitness assessments. Most of the time, I receive emails from people who are seeking to pass their PFT, and just as many who wish to max out their Copyright 2023 CFA Scores | United States of America Service Academy Forums The CFA consists of six fitness tests designed to measure muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, power, balance, and agility. We recommend establishing contact as early as possible. Here is where some of the confusion comes from: The Candidate Fitness Assessment remains unchanged, but the Naval Academy and West Point has made changes to their fitness tests they take every semester once you are selected and attending the Academies. Second Semester Senior Year Grades Matter! Here's the Twelve-Mile Run Plan. The Whole Candidate Score is the most important part of the West Point admissions process. West Point wants to take academically successful high school students and turn them into successful Army officers. SAT and ACT scores make up the largest percentage of your ranking, so keep testing! Breaking Down the West Point Admissions Process to Improve Your Chances. Typically Senators and House Representatives will have 4 candidates and 1 open slot. It is crucial that you become educated about the process and set yourself up the best you can in order to get that call from your Member of Congress. You still have military training and academics to deal with each year. If you sprint too fast in the mile run on the first quarter-mile, you will have a tough time maintaining your pace. If you want to enhance your math performance, practice regularly and make use of helpful resources. We abide by the guidance set out in the SECDEF Joint Ethics Regulations, Governmental Ethics policy on social media use, and DOD 5122.05 PAO Guidance. All rights reserved. Ultimate Guide on How to Get Into West Point, you can calculate your own estimated Whole Candidate Score here. Want to learn if youre doing everything you can to earn a Naval Academy appointment? Physical Requirements | U.S. Air Force Academy What happens when a Congressional Representative sends those (up to) 10 names to West Point? West Point has an admission acceptance rate of anywhere from 8-11% depending on the year. By understanding the different components of this score you can focus on your weak areas and the areas that carry the most weight with the admissions team. It can take up to 30 days to schedule your initial medical evaluation, 60 days for completion and possibly another 30 days for a medical waiver if required. I am yet to take CFA, so entered my mock CFA numbers. It is also scoring greater than 60 in each individual event, as this is estimated to . West Point is one of the most prestigious Service Academies, with its legacy dating back to the Revolutionary War. It is crucial that you become educated about the process and set yourself up the best you can in order to get that call from your Member of Congress. Sustained participation and leadership in a few activities is desirable. The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) The ACFT consistes of these six exercises: 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift - Deadlift the maximum weight possible three times. If youve used the calculator, we go into more detail on the components of the Whole Candidate Score by each category and explained the scoring process here: How Hard is it to Get into West Point? Other Members decide who they want to be appointed and send that person to West Point, along with backups. This chart depicts the nomination slots that each Senator/Representative has: Although the class years have different designators at each Service Academy, we simplified them to make the chart easy to understand. Work with your family to reserve time to complete it and use our checklist to help ensure all materials are completed in a timely manner. The CFA is a test of strength, agility, speed, and endurance. The majority of midshipmen receive their nominations through Congress either a State Senator or their local Congressional Representative. The full solution can be found here: [Link]. Do you set high standards for own performance in a number of activities? Outstanding recommendations from teachers and others, Start the second/main portion of the West Point application, Start the DoDMERB medical qualification process, Continue taking the SAT/ACT until your score is as high as it can be, Complete your Congressional nomination interviews, Presidential: children of military personnel, Children of deceased and 100% disabled Veterans. The admissions team is looking for leadership potential. The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) was developed to measure and evaluate a candidates potential to successfully complete the physical programs at the United States Naval Academy, United States Air Force Academy, and United States Military Academy.