Consideration should also be given to any curriculum and assessment planning that takes place across the cluster. Healthy, confident individuals who . Request a different format. Donaldson Review: The 'purposes' and content of a Curriculum for Wales It publishes the expert input, supporting materials, and outputs of these conversations on the. The proposals, further evolved following feedback, will form the basis of statutory guidance which schools will have to have regard to when developing andundertaking assessment in the new curriculum. Chemistry in Curriculum for Wales - planning support International Women's Day in Wales Powerpoint (Teacher-Made) Consideration should also be given to other people who are important for a learner, such as their advocate or social worker. This should be achieved by embedding assessment into day-to-day practice in a way that engages the learner and makes it indistinguishable from learning. This includes developing and embedding a robust and effective process for the transition of learners along the 3 to 16 continuum. This understanding can contribute to processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. VENDRE! Supporting learners to make progress is a fundamental driver of Curriculum for Wales and is the overarching purpose of assessment. on-entry assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Head teachers and governing bodies of secondary schools and their feeder primary schools must work together to plan to support learner progression, with a focus on effective communication between practitioners, learners and their parents and carers. These changes are subject to completion of Senedd procedures regarding revisions to the statements of what matters Code. The curriculum is underpinned by the school's Christian vision and associated values. The foundation for this engagement and partnership is establishing: Schools and settings must design and/or adopt a curriculum that enables learners to realise the four purposes, providing for appropriate progression for all learners. Encounters with employers and employees . This should be an ongoing process that recognises the diverse needs of all learners and supports each individual in their learning journey. The priorities for discussions across an academic term/school year, ensuring that progression across the full breadth of the curriculum is covered appropriately on an ongoing basis. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Myriad by UCAS agent portal for international registered centres While Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 will disappear the principles of the Foundation Phase will remain the same but will become a part of one seamless curriculum for children aged 3 to 16 providing more joined up learning. For those providing EOTAS education, including PRUs, the, the CAMAU i'r Dyfodol project, a national research project designed to build capacity in understanding and developing progression from 3 to 16 across the curriculum in schools across Wales, primary schools should engage with leaders of funded non-maintained nursery settings, primary and secondary schools should engage with each other, primary and secondary schools should engage with leaders of PRUs, how future progression needs can be supported at home. what needs to be done for them to get there, taking account of any barriers to their learning, creating a clear vision for a curriculum that supports learners realisation of the four purposes and supports individual learner progression, creating an environment that develops the necessary knowledge and skills to promote learner wellbeing, creating an environment based on mutual trust and respect, rather than one focused on compliance and reporting, enabling practitioners to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their role in assessment effectively, ensuring the design, adoption, review and revision of a curriculum that affords opportunities for practitioners to plan purposeful learning that addresses the needs of each learner, developing and embedding processes and structures that enable practitioners to develop a shared understanding of progression, ensuring there is a clear picture of learner progression within the school or setting that is understood by all practitioners, a process that embeds regular ongoing professional dialogue on progression into their systems to support self-reflection and inform improvement, ensuring there is a clear understanding of learner progression across schools and, where appropriate, settings, that feeds into discussions on learner progression within the school or setting, considering how additional challenge and support for the learner can be best provided, including working with other partners, encouraging engagement between all participants in the learning and teaching process in order to develop effective partnerships, ensuring that the statutory requirements have been met and that due regard has been paid to this guidance for assessment, and that practitioners are taking account of this in planning, learning and teaching and within daily practice, being clear about the intended learning, and planning engaging learning experiences accordingly, supporting the promotion of learner well-being through assessment practice, sharing intended learning appropriately with learners, evaluating learning, including through observation, questioning and discussion, using the information gained from ongoing assessment to reflect on own practice to inform next steps in teaching and planning for learning, providing relevant and focused feedback that actively engages learners, encourages them to take responsibility for their learning, and moves their learning forward, encouraging learners to reflect on their progress and, where appropriate, to consider how they have developed, what learning processes they have undertaken and what they have achieved, providing opportunities for learners to engage in assessing their own work and that of their peers, and supporting them to develop the relevant skills to do this effectively, developing learners skills in making effective use of a range of feedback to move their learning forward, involving parents and carers in learner development and progression, with the learners involvement in this dialogue increasing over time, engaging in dialogue with leaders and fellow practitioners to ensure they have a clear picture of the progress being made within their school, identifying any additional challenge or support learners may require, engaging with external partners where necessary, understand where they are in their learning and where they need to go next, develop an understanding of how they will get there, respond actively to feedback on their learning, and develop positive attitudes towards receiving, responding to and acting upon feedback in their learning, review their progression in learning and articulate this both individually and with others, reflect on their learning journey and develop responsibility for their own learning over time, engage regularly with the school or setting and its practitioners in order to understand and support their childs progression in learning, share relevant knowledge and understanding with the school or setting and its practitioners, which will support their childs learning and progression, respond actively to information provided about their childs learning and, in collaboration with the school or setting, plan ways of supporting that learning within and outside the school or setting, help practitioners assess and identify the needs of learners who may require additional support and then help them through the provision of advice and support. Arithmetic . By supporting learners to understand their strengths, areas for improvement and next steps, assessment can help learners prepare for their external qualifications including making informed choices about the qualifications they take. Successful Futures recommended a change from the current phases and key stages to a continuum of learning from 3 16 years old. What structures and arrangements do you already have within your school or setting? Results of online survey and stakeholder sessions into the mandatory status of English in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. How 'Areas of Learning and Experience' are - A curriculum for life Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Confidently deliver Computing for the new Curriculum for Wales and develop students' ICT skills with the interactive, ac. It is for schools and settings to decide the nature of the arrangements they wish to put in place, ensuring that they are appropriate to their context. Practitioners should use descriptions of learning to develop a wide range of assessment approaches that help determine whether and how progress is being made. DOWNLOAD ALL Identifying key chemistry skills The chemistry skills template (progression step 4) offers a template and example, summarising the skills developed during progression step 4, as outlined in the curriculum planning support document. Around this time, sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies - granddaughters of Welsh industrialist David Davies and owners of Gregynog, a country estate in the county of . This enables them to learn from each other in a supportive environment. Curriculum for Wales Blog | A curriculum for life | Page 4 The guidance is published pursuant to section 71 of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021. A school or setting must put in place a plan which: School/setting leaders may wish to consider including information such as the following in their plan. Understanding how learners progress is critical to the design of curriculum and assessment arrangements as well as classroom/setting planning and practice. Maths Week is an event that you can hold at your school at any time of the year to promote the importance of mathematical skills and show how we use mathematics and numeracy in our everyday lives. Assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design and its overarching purpose within the curriculum is to support every learner to make progress. The new Curriculum for Wales will apply from the age of 3 to 16 and provide for a continuum of learning rather than the separation of schooling into key stages as at present. This guidance covers key processes needed for effective learner progression, namely: This guidance has been developed to take the needs of all learners into account and recognises that their identity, language, ability, background and prior learning, as well as the support they may need, will differ according to their particular circumstances. The changes are mainly additions or amendments to existing sections. Supporting learner progression assessment guidance. How could these evolve, be adapted or be improved to enable practitioners to come together to discuss progression? Presentation on Curriculum for Wales by Mrs Aziz & Miss Whitehead, Mount Stuart Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), All website content copyright Mount Stuart Primary. There is a new curriculum in Wales which will be mandatory from September 2022. This relationship at the local, regional, and national level will help bring coherence as schools and settings engage with and enact Curriculum for Wales and it evolves within schools and settings. Y3 Length Centimetres and Millimetres PlanIt Maths Lesson 3 - Twinkl The key principles that are essential for meaningful learning for all learners in the period of learning leading to progression step 1. The new curriculum for Wales has removed levels, replacing them with Progression Steps. LASZLO FEDOR CURRICULUM for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 year (Poche) - EUR 37,58. Ideally this should be a three-way communication process between the learner, their parents, carers and practitioners. . PACEY. For Progression step 1, Wales, it is thought that children aged 3-5 will be in this level. Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Health and Wellbeing Health, . For further information about transition, please see the next section of this guidance. How and why we are changing the curriculum. Active engagement between the learner and practitioner on a regular basis is at the heart of supporting learner progression. Designing your curriculum 3. coherence Curriculum for Wales provides schools and settings with flexibility within a national framework. The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. AoLE groups are working on this area over the Summer term. Progression Step 1 - Wales - Twinkl Resources - Twinkl Change). A review and recommendations on including Welsh history and perspective in school education. Progression in learning is a process of increasing depth, sophistication, engagement and learner control, rather than of covering a body of content. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. How might the outcomes of discussions within and between schools and settings feed into the school or settings curriculum and assessment design and self-evaluation processes. position and comparison. Listening for meaning. The theme for this year's British Science Week is 'connections', and it could not be more relevant to Ofsted's latest findings on how best to teach the subject of science. plenty of opportunity to think like a scientist, but now the curriculum design process is explicit and KS3 - sorry, Progression step 4 - has a vital role in the development of pupils for the . We want a curriculum that meets every individual learner's needs: that feels relevant to the pupil who's hard to engage, and so fosters that connection and awakens that interest, that recognises their progression and the knowledge, skills and experiences they need. This will give practitioners the ability to come together nationally to discuss progression in Curriculum for Wales. Mathematics Progression Points Year 3 (PDF) - The importance of play and playful learning, being outdoors, observation and authentic and purposeful learning. It should contribute to developing a holistic picture of the learner their strengths, the ways in which they learn, and their areas for development, in order to inform next steps in learning and teaching. In 2016 we launched our first assessment products designed specifically for the Welsh curriculum. When implementing their assessment arrangements, their own or those provided by Welsh Ministers, providers of funded non-maintained nursery education (FNNE) will, have to have regard to this guidance. Curriculum for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 years: Book 2. . How will you ensure that the discussions within a school or setting can feed into dialogue across schools and settings and vice versa and that these have a positive impact on planning, learning and teaching? The full detail of these requirements can be found here with supporting information provided below. What further support and opportunities for discussion are available to the school or setting through local and regional networks and how might these be used to discuss progression? A Ministerial Direction pursuant to section 57 of the Curriculum and Assessment Act 2021, for the purpose of enabling practitioners to participate in professional dialogue within their school or setting and with practitioners from other schools and settings to develop and maintain a shared understanding of learner progression. This incorporates Welsh,English andinternational languages as wellasin literature. Each school will choose specific means to implement practice that identifies and addresses any needs of individual learners for additional challenge or support. Progression and the Curriculum for Wales 2022 'Successful Futures' recommended a change from the current phases and key stages to a continuum of learning from 3 - 16 years old. This may include specialist educational support and support from other agencies (for example health services), provide information about learning progression that has taken place and been assessed in other contexts (for example for learners in joint placements between a school and another setting). The group, drawing on advice from experts, has developed high-level principles to provide broad direction for assessment at a national level. Plan - Create plans that bring together elements from across all six areas of the curriculum as well as the cross-curricula skills frameworks.