Years later, Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi, a strong proponent of African unity, encouraged the revival and improvement of the organization. All of these changes cant be stoped as they are tied to time and space. For example, it is conspicuously absent while bloody conflict escalated in Cameroon and Libya. Thanks. Director & Research Fellow, University of Pretoria. The Benefits of the AfCFTA for the African Economy A unitary system is only ideal for a small geographical area with common values. Do you want to stay a puppet of France and othets or do you want to die trying? It is therefore useful to take stock of the achievements of the AU in its first decade and, this can best be done from two broad perspectives which represent the main goals of the AU mentioned above - peace and prosperity. You wont need to worry about regional ethnic differences . In a unified government where the majority of people share the same views, it would be less likely to need to delay bills or throw them out because everyone would already find a way to agree on most of them. Unlike the OUA which followed a doctrine of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, the AU has the authority through decisions of its Peace and Security Council to interfere in member states to promote peace and protect democracy, including deploying military force in situations in which genocide and crimes against humanity are being committed. Today, Haiti has many problems, but i can tell you we are the most proud black nation on earth. Quest for Unity African countries, in their quest for unity, economic and social development under the banner of the OAU, have taken various initiatives and made substantial progress in many areas which paved the way for the establishment of the AU. In an hours drive u can see about 3 homeless each minute. The AU was modelled on the European Union with structures that included an Assembly of heads of state/government, an Executive in which countries were represented by their foreign ministers and the AU Commission which is the administrative branch made up of 10 commissioners and headed by a President. You just foolish you have never had of adapting those Arabs will not torment us .majority rules. However, Senate the United States, from President Wilsons own country, did not ratify the treaty. Federalism. In July 1999, the Assembly decided to convene an extraordinary session to expedite the process of economic and political integration in the continent. The solution is simple. The AU offers exciting opportunities to get involved in determining continental policies and implementing development programmes that impact the lives of African citizens everywhere. The continental body should be empowered to act against any party that violates core values centred on human dignity. For example, al-Shabaab in Somalia exploits porous borders to carry out deadly attacks in Kenya. policies of the nonaligned movement, the African stand adopted in 1972 against dialogue with South Africa; and the African stand over relations with the EEC. This hypothetical national wouldnt be called the USA instead The United Lands of Africa (ULA). China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. ECONOMIC AFFAIRS (Economic Integration, Monetary Affairs, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilization). Portfolios of the Commission1. It provides monetary stability, which gives our states and our partners greater financial visibility. This rhetoric of Africa has lasted over decades, with a substantial amount of aid being given to African countries to rectify this problem.,,, China is taking over Zambias National Assets, but the Nightmare is just getting Started for Africa, #AfricaLF17 Register to attend the 2017 Africa Liberty Forum in South Africa, 5 Reasons Why a United States of Africa may Fail, South Africa: Research says Covid-19 Alarmism is doing More harm than Good. The adoption of such a language, if at all accepted by speakers of the other 2,000 African languages, would require an extraordinary amount of effort, especially funding. The fight to determine Angolas political future soon became a proxy war, meaning the war involved many countries (US, South Africa, Cuba, and the USSR), and thrusted Angola onto the global stage as a major front. Can South Africans Depend on the 2020 Budget for Property Rights and Freedom? Chris Changwe Nshimbi receives funding from the European Commission (Erasmus+), Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation (DST/NRF, South Africa), The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). Internal conflicts would be brought about but by rotating leadership with a period of a year for every countries best interest and using federalism this subsides. The United lands would have a local, state and federal lvl government. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. A North disadvantage was that the North had to fight on unfamiliar soil, kind of like an away team in sports. Some conflicts have been raging for decades. ONE LANGUAGE (broken English) The disadvantages of African trade integration: is Brexit to blame? We have been raised in a way that everything we do , we always fall short or fail but i believe that if we can bring some of Africa best minds together this can be done and done with excellency. That gave me an opportunity that the local people didnt have. In the end of the day as much as Nigeria has its issues, I will always be proud of being Yoruba & Nigerian first then African second and their is nothing wrong with that. This is evident in the level at which post-independence African leaders have grossly abused power. He tweets via @Ibrahim_Anoba. This is due to the fact that gov owned industries are always corrupt and not profitable for the common good.. My brothers and sisters,we are blessed.Our continent is full of minerals,oil, Rivers, Lakes,Oceans, Forests,wild animals,cool climate and many more benefits.But why is it like being born in Africa is a curse especially in rich-land Congo?why are the westerns benefiting from our land and not our or its children?infact the West should depend on us,not us to depend on them.They use our minerals to create missiles, nuclears and other atomic bombs and restrict us from creating armaments.They use our oil to run their industries,to fuel their rockets,to manufacture goods and sell back to us.The worst thing is that they use free minerals,free oil and free anything else they need from Africa.They achieve this through choosing their own leaders for Africans, deceptive aids which comes through neo-colonialism and mainly keeping Africa divided and always in civil wars.The only way out is a United Lands of Africa.Boundaries were set up by them, different languages french,English,Spanish,Italiano,,,these languages can not be barriers to unification,they were established by them, different economic activities isnt a problem.Infact that is what we need for employment for millions of children of the land.The greatest weapon against these people is our mind. No traditional African society was the same in its approach to commerce and trade as the other, and those values stand until today. The percentage of Americans represented by organized labor has dropped from 27% to 11.6% between 1979 and 2019. He proposed the elimination of borders created by colonialists and the promotion of tolerance among Africans. Enough is enough.., LETS MAKE OUR AFRICAN Because we can. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. The 2nd step will be to abolish and dump christianity a religion emposed on us by the former colonizers a religion that has brought so much suffering amongst Africans by keeping us enslaved and worshiping a so called white jesus christ that was manufactured by white people to control African minds and keep us waiting for this jesus to come and save us African society is too complex to work under a unitary system. It studies the causes of these problems, like famine, drought, crime, and war. The document outlined 54 practical steps that needed to be taken. I believe that if we focus on our strengths (like ample natural resources, arable agricultural lands and a plentiful supply of labor) we can achieve beyond our wildest imaginations. Remember Together we stand, divided we fall. The most important of these points was the final point: a general association of nations with the guarantees of political and territorial independence and security. And we will remain a third world continent until the time comes that we unite. We propose the elimination of borders a single currency and a single passport. He appointed a pan-African committee of experts to review and submit proposals for a system of governance for the AU that would ensure the organisation was better placed to address the challenges facing the continent with the aim of implementing programmes that have the highest impact on Africas growth and development so as to deliver on the vision of Agenda 2063. First of all i am Kenyan and i have seen first hand that the majority of your cherry picked differences dont hold any actual form. As a result, companies' ideas often get stolen. The OAU provides the arena within which common African policies are forged, or disputed, and where the tensions of inter-African relations can be released. Here are five reasons he and other advocates of a United States of Africa should have a rethink. Its like all asian countries or south American countries to be one country and turn to states without taking into consideration the internal issues and economic issues that they are dealing with. that can only be achieved by having a sense of pride within ourselves, and that means bieng one, so that whenever you see a black person, you see an african, and that infact happens in other countries outside africa, when they meet a black person, they dont see a Nigerian, they dont see a Kenyan, they dont see a Libyan,instead they see an AFRICAN. They would be enough to set the example for the rest to join the Union. Prominent conflicts by non-state actors include the Tuareg separatist and jihadist insurgencies in Mali, Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria, jihadist and militia insurgencies in Burkina Faso, al-Shabaab in Somalia, and the ethnic war in the Central African Republic. I think when you point and label some one as a dictator their is much to look at other than that. It also includes, cultural political and psychological changes. Find out more by visiting the links on right. Author of this article points out some potential challenges of the unification of Africa. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africas goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. One leader in control of a big entity with enormous resources, judging by the political history of modern Africa, would be extremely dangerous. As for the. We would also have a congress (council) that would make the Nations laws. Fear solves nothing.If our freedom fighters were fearful then we would forever be slaves. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the positive and negative impacts of colonialism. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, Pan-African ParliamentA Pan-African Parliament, and organ to ensure the full participation of African peoples in governance, development and economic integration of the Continent. But, the fact of the matter is that only nonliving things are the ones that doesnt change. Fax: +251 11 551 78 44, African Leaders Urge Continent to Strengthen Political Will Toward Achieving Continental Nutrition Targets, Pan-African Network Conference on Fighting Illicit Financial Flows in Africa Theme: From Words to Actions, Invitation to JLMP Priority End of Project Learning Event & Launch of JLMP Lead Theme: African Labour Migration: Emerging Issues and Policy Response, The Chairperson of the AU Commission congratulates H.E Tinubu for being proclaimed winner of Nigerian presidential polls, Workshop on the Communication Strategy of the AU-EU-UN Partnership Project for Enhancing the AU's Compliance and Accountability Framework for its Peace Support Operations, Africa Environment and Wangari Maathai Day, Joint Statement on the Post-Electoral Phase of the 25th February 2023, Nigerian General Election, Signing of Negotiated Agreement for the African Games in Ghana, The AMHEWAS Situation Room for Disaster Risk Reduction receives its first visit by an African Head of State, South Sudan Requests AUC Support on Sustainable Environment and Climate Change Adaptation, Economic Integration & Private Sector Development, Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), Economic Development, Trade, Industry, Mining (ETIM), Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI), Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS), Programming, Budget, Finance & Accounting, Other Mission and Special Liaison Offices, Key Transformational Outcomes of Agenda 2063, Constitutive Act, Charters, Privileges & Immunities, Agriculture & Environmental Management Treaties, Treaties on Trade, Economic Integration & Development, Treaties on Refugees, Migration, Labour & Employment, Treaties on Education, Science & Technology, Executive Council Decisions and Declarations.