At times, his site is indistinguishable from The Daily Beast or any other woke propaganda outlet posing as a news company. What's Going on With Drudge? Rasmussen Claims 'Matt's Not - PJ Media [75], In addition to its media influence, the Drudge Report has influenced design elements on other sites, some with opposing viewpoints[76] and some which use the same format for listing news. [54][55] During the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump of 2019, the Drudge Report began aggregating what CNN Business called "an overwhelming amount of negative news for the Trump White House". Required fields are marked *. R. Tweets by @Rasmussen_Poll. "A large measure of why Trump is the nominee goes to. Drudge Report | US News We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. If the Drudge Report has indeed been sold, this would explain the shift in the site's tone. be seen! Drudge is down 40% plus since he became Fake News. A Story Matt Drudge Would Crack: We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. A left-leaning[77] parody site called Drudge Retort was founded in 1998 as "a send-up of Mr. Drudge's breathless style". Rumor has it that Matt Drudge isn't there any longer since he sold the site. October 6, 2019 October 4, 2019 by IWB. Now that will be a story. And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. We dont think Matt is there anymore, CFP. Almost every reference to nasty Democrat Jerome Nadler prefaces his name with "Stomach-Stapled Stalinist". Millions of other conservatives and Republicans agree. While to the untrained eye it may seem to be a scattershot of links plastered on a plain black and white page, the placement of the links and the framing of headlines reveal a sophisticated editorial point of view. Like Townhall writer, Derek Hunter said, How Drudge works is a mystery. Coming soon, stay tuned. [86] The publication of the photograph resulted in a brief war of words between the Clinton and Obama campaign organizations. Republican presidential candidates made wooing the famously secretive Drudge a high priority, and for several of them, including Donald Trump, it paid off big." Drudge is NOT a conservative site. He sold out to the clicks back around the time Messiah Obama was inaugurated. On Saturday we posted a story about a conservative journalist that was tired of being taken advantage of and decided to start his own alternative to the Drudge Report and Fox News. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report. The Drudge Report one of the most popular news destinations on the web, regularly clocking over a billion page views per month has historically been a conservative-leaning news aggregator . A fan does. 34% Approve. The whole kerfuffle Today we published 3 short Backstory Tweets highlighting why we believe Mr. Drudge is no longer managing the site. An Australian weekly women's magazine New Idea had broken the story in January,[88] but it was not followed up at the time. . Last fall, when I included the Drudge Report in my Top Conservative Websites list, the comments section filled up with sentiments like this: While its fair to say that Trump supporters by and large dont have a lot of tolerance for criticism of the president, their complaints about Drudge are not unfounded. Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt [Drudge] is there anymore. The conservative group, The Rasmussen Report has documented the change at the Drudge Report originally they thought the site was sold. Of the 51 stories claimed as exclusives from January to September 1998, the magazine found that 31 (61%) were truly exclusive stories. Today we published 3 short Backstory Tweets highlighting why we believe Mr. Drudge is no longer managing the site. ", Revenue for the Drudge Report is driven by advertising that was managed for 20 years by Intermarkets, Inc. During the summer of 2019, after many years of being known for "changing nothing" about the website, Drudge advertising shifted to a new company by the name of Granite Cubed. Dan Bongino Teases Drudge Report Competitor Bongino Report The whole kerfuffle appears to have begun. Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left. The New Idea editors claimed ignorance of any news blackout. Conservative? If indeed Drudge sold the site this would be the story of the year. [53], In 2015 and 2016, Drudge repeatedly featured pro-Trump headlines during the Republican Party presidential primaries, leading Salon and Politico to describe Drudge as "all in" for Trump. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation. The Drudge Report is a U.S. based news aggregation website founded by Matt Drudge. Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. It would not surprise me one bit if he were to turn back to Trump in the lead-up to the 2020 election for the lulz, as the kids say. Drudges site did, however, contain three stories from The Daily Beast, a far-left site that this year alone has doxxed a Trump supporter for making a meme about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, ran a patently fake news story about the presidents children and joined its left-wing peers in distorting what happenedwhen the president appeared at a UFC fight last month. Drudge mystery: The brand lives, but who runs it and where is Matt? Trademark registration for the phrase "Drudge Report" on January 15, 2019, filed on May 15, 2018. Wishy, washy tweeters need not apply. These sections are FREE to the general audience of Rasmussen Reports. The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Folks, the @DRUDGE_REPORT account is a FAN account. In 1995, Matt Drudge launched the newsletter that effectively invented clickbait.Operating out of his Hollywood apartment with only a dial-up internet connection, the then-manager of a CBS Studios . While thats possible, the site was raking in plenty of cash before the change, with revenue estimates ranging from $9 million a year to $30 million. Voters approve of . All Rights Reserved. For years Matt Drudge has stood tall as Americas number one news aggregator. None have any insights into who Matt Drudge is as a person or what is happening with the clear negative slant the site has taken toward President Donald Trump, a man who was helped into the White House, in no small part, by the coverage of the Drudge Report.. We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. Many people keep asking me about this. See our timeline for all 3., Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 8, 2019. The majority of stories are laid out in three columns beneath the masthead; at the bottom of each column are various links: newspapers and magazines in the left column, columnists in the middle column, and a collection of wire service links and miscellaneous links to archives, e-mail, site stats, and a box to submit anonymous tips at the right. [35][36] Some had regarded the Drudge Report as conservative in tone,[37][38][39][40][41][42] and it has been referred to in the media as "a conservative news aggregator". Sold out, really. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation." On February 28, 2008, Drudge published an article noting that Prince Harry was serving with his regiment in Afghanistan. "[97], During the 2004 presidential campaign, the Drudge Report ran a story in which general Wesley Clark claimed that the John Kerry campaign would implode over an intern affair. Press J to jump to the feed. A federal judge in the nation's capital rejected the Washington Post 's motion to dismiss a defamation lawsuit against the newspaper from Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) late Wednesday, instead allowing the suit to proceed to discovery where the powerful California conservative will be able to gather information . It would also be a major story, as the Drudge Report is a powerful driver of traffic, regularly competing against and beating sites like CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post in visits. After President Trump today tweeted "he gave up on Drudge", quite a lot of his responses claimed that Matt Drudge sold the Drudge Report and is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Follow her on, Conservative Dan Bongino Launches Alternative to Drudge Gets Boosted by Mark Levin and Devin Nunes, According to a Daily Beast report last month, The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: Theyre All Bleeping Terrorists, Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue. The Drudge Report has been described by Cheryl Woodard, co-founder of PC, Macworld, PC World and Publish magazines, as "a big, haphazard mishmash of links and photos"[29] and by Dan Rahmel as "popular despite a plain appearance". Who Is Matt Drudge - Yahoo! The entire direct cost to run Drudge Report is about $3 million a year, McIntyre said. Thank you for donating. Disrn - Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt | Facebook Where Andrew Breitbart gets his information", Matt Drudge Intentionally Ignored Negative Stories to Help Elect Barack Obama, Former Drudge Report Editor Launches Politics-Focused Site 'Right Read', "Profile: Matt Drudge Webmaster of pork pies Scotland on Sunday", "Newsweek Kills Story On White House Intern", "Newsweek got, held scoop on Clinton story", "Associated Press accuses online news outlets of 'misappropriation', "U.S. Attorney's office tells employees not to log on to Drudge Report", "Malware delivered by Yahoo, Fox, Google ads", "Why the Drudge Report is one of the best designed sites on the web", The Architect: Karl Rove and the Dream of Absolute Power, "Will a funny thing happen on the way to Washington? Rasmussen Reports 20-year track record of accuracy, transparency, independence and our bi-partisan team of pollsters is here to help you get true American public opinion heard. The newest stories and those Drudge considers most important are in red, all under a single major headline in large bold type. Once you select an article to read, there's some kind of middleware that prevents you from returning to the app. Trump Rages Against Drudge Report, Says Site 'Sold Out' - TheWrap visits to drudge 2/06/2023 19,502,506 past 24 hours 681,343,125 past 31 days 8,507,517,286 past year Published: December 8, 2019, 1:59 pm The whole kerfuffle appears to have begun at the end of November, when the Bongino Report, touted as a Trump-friendly alternative to Drudge, launched. The whole kerfuffle appears to have begun at the end of November, when the Bongino Report, touted as a Trump-friendly alternative to Drudge, The site was generally regarded as a conservative publication, though its ownership and political leanings have recently been placed in question following business model changes in mid to late 2019. Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt [Drudge] is there It was also reported in newspapers and on television around the world. Maybe, you noticed the type and style of Ads changed? Drudge Report competitor launched by Dan Bongino is now live Theres no sign of it changing, and so the question then becomes for me, why?. ", "Online Matt Drudge Libel Suit Comes to 'Wimpy Conclusion', "John Kerry intern scandal Alexandra Polier's account", "Man Claiming to be Bill Clinton's Son Wants Second DNA Test", "Danney Williams is not Bill Clinton's son, no matter what Matt Drudge tells you", "CNN reporter slams Drudge's charge that he 'heckled' McCain; Exclusive video confirms his claim", "CNN's Ware fires back at Drudge report about 'heckling', "Oprah Denies Report She's Balking at Having Palin on Show", "US election: Storm as Oprah says no to Palin interview", "Ashley Todd, PA Racist Hoax "Victim," Was Paid Organizer for College Republican National Committee, Not a Volunteer", "Drudge Puts Dangerous Spin on Mugging, Implies Violence Targeting McCain Volunteers", "McCain Campaign Pushed Now-Discredited Attack Story", "Obama birth certificate release won't kill "birther" movement", "Hillary health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech - BBC News", "Drudge Report misleads readers with Hillary Clinton photo", "Armed with junk science and old photos, critics question #HillarysHealth", "Drudge Report is spreading a conspiracy about Bill Clinton it debunked in 1999", "US Government Attacks Drudge Report? See our timeline for all 3., Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 8, 2019. ? Controversial stories, errors and questions about sourcing, Alleged heckling of Republican senators by CNN reporter, Conspiracy theories about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Some have pointed to the Twitter accounts profile description has proof that he has: The DRUDGE REPORT a U.S. based news aggregation website run by Matt Drudge(@DRUDGE). Winfrey responded in a written statement to news outlets by saying, "The item in today's Drudge Report is categorically untrue. wii wbfs games collection google drive - ASE A Story Matt Drudge Would Crack: We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. Congratulations to @dbongino, Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019, Then on Saturday, Citizen Free Press, another conservative news aggregator, announced on Twitter that theyre the new Drudge Report. Rasmussen responded with a bombshell worthy of a great big Drudge siren: We dont think Matt is there anymore, CFP. [32] It consists of a banner headline and a number of other selected headlines in three columns in monospaced font. Citizen Free Press is the New Drudge Report Run by a former Lou Dobbs producer You're getting competition from everywhere, Matt. Yet another reason Matt Drudge is missed. [60][61][62] Drudge applied for and was granted a U.S. But if you've seen the Drudge Report recently, you know that it has changed dramatically, 180 degrees. We got the hint & automated the process. Drudge Sirens!: Tucker Carlson Says Matt Drudge Is Now A Woke [1][57] By 2020, some prominent conservatives including President Donald Trump had concluded that the Drudge Report had abandoned its conservative ideology, with Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson stating, "Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left. Napolitano Amused at 'Big Sis' Moniker. How To Pronounce Jerald, "[94][95][96] The Individual Rights Foundation, led by conservative activist David Horowitz, paid Drudge's legal fees in the Blumenthal lawsuit. [72], Matt Drudge has been criticized by other media news personalities: Bill O'Reilly twice called Drudge a "threat to democracy" in response to Drudge disclosing his book sales figures,[73] and Keith Olbermann referred to Drudge as "an idiot with a modem". ", However, a video hosted by Rawstory showed that Ware did not make a sound nor ask any question during the press conference. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news A change of ownership would explain the websites move away from the right. The Drudge Report consistently competes and beats news sites like CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. We also heartily welcome The Bongino Report @BonginoReport (lest anyone say otherwise). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts (Make no mistake: the traffic a coveted Drudge link generates can make a websites week or month or year. Prince Harry was ten weeks into a front-line deployment in Afghanistan that was subject to a voluntary news blackout by the UK press. The site's design has seen few changes since its debut in 1997. Bongino taunted Drudge with a pair of tweets: has noticed an editorial shift at the site over the last year or so, with the aggregator regularly dropping the hammer on Trump, focusing on negative news about the presidentespecially as it relates to the Meuller report and impeachment proceedingsand increasingly linking to mainstream media outlets. Mind you, CFP isnt alone. run ads on drudge report. Oprah Winfrey's public statement came after she had already endorsed Barack Obama for president on Larry King Live in 2007. NewsNation BestReviews Nexstar Digital Journalistic Integrity Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information; THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628 . is leaning left of late and there may be a good reason for it. [citation needed], Matt Drudge has said that he is a conservative, but "more of a populist". They generally concern a story about to be published in a major magazine or newspaper. Like Townhall writer, Derek Hunter said, How Drudge works is a mystery. Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered? If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, please send e-mail to 10:29. Crows And Lambs, A few months ago the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. After four years, Blumenthal dropped his lawsuit, saying that the suit had cost him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. If you talk to conservatives these days, youll hear that Matt Drudges eponymous news aggregation site has gone over to the dark sidethat Matts joined the anti-Trump resistance. Initially a supporter of former President Donald Trump, Drudge. Ive known several people who have worked for him as editors, taking various shifts updating the site as news changes. They are taking away our advertising revenue, censoring our content,and threatening to de-platform us. Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. This helped his web site traffic hit record high traffic levels. email: The page is now updated only once or twice a day and almost never reacts to breaking news, as if it's being run. Theres just one problem: Drudge doesnt run the account. The Drudge Report (stylized as DRUDGE REPORT) is a U.S.-based news aggregation website founded by Matt Drudge,[4] and run with the help of Charles Hurt[2] and Daniel Halper. be seen! Drudge Report 2023 This is a FAN account, it reads. Fallout 4 Plasma Pistol, Roblox Fps Unlocker For Mac, How To Eat Food Stardew Valley Mobile, Harry Potter Cast Then And Now, Disease Spread Calculator, Knitter's Pride Cord Key, Where Is Altzo, Osrs Uim Construction, Drudge Report Sold Rasmussen, Justinas Duknauskas Wikipedia, Velveeta And Cheddar Cheese Sauce, UPDATE 12/09/2019: Over the weekend Rasmussen put out the word that Matt Drudge may not even be at the Drudge Report anymore, that he sold his business. Reddit Long Hair Care, Your email address will not be published. "[49], A study in 2005 placed the Drudge Report "slightly left of center". With a Disrn subscription you'll be able to: You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. CFP is an aggregator just like The Drudge Report. The New York Times said, "Within minutes, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's fund-raising success was injected via Drudge into the day's political news on the Internet and cable television."[83]. Lost ALL Trumpers. During the 2004 US presidential campaign, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group made claims about John Kerry's war record, which were mentioned by Drudge and investigated by major newspapers and TV networks. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019., Kirk Smith (@SavingAmerica4U) December 7, 2019. "[58] In 2020, Austrian social scientist Christian Fuchs of the University of Westminster described the Drudge Report as an alt-right website. Drudge arguably helped push Trump across the finish line in 2016, driving the media narrative and rallying the troops to get him elected, so no one would blame the president for being a little salty about the turn of events at Drudge. What Do You Mean Meme Video, "[48] Ben Shapiro wrote, "The American left can't restrict Internet usage or ban talk radio, so it de-legitimizes these news sources. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report. According to the following screenshots, hes not pleased: Why did the @DRUDGE_REPORT make fun of @dbongino for being a Secret Service Agent and then delete the tweet? [16], In 2010, Drudge added former Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl to the Drudge Report staff. ", "Clinton Staffers Circulate 'Dressed' Obama", "Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff', "New Idea defends claims it endangered Prince Harry", "New Idea pleads ignorance on Harry embargo", "Army prepares to evacuate Harry after news blackout fails", "Senate Staffers Warned to Stay Clear of Drudge Report", "Clinton Aide Settles Libel Suit Against Matt Drudge at a Cost", "May Day: Lawsuit Against Drudge Dropped; Blumenthal Pays Cash To Get Out! Its not run by Matt, and never has been. drudge report sold rasmussen - CCRUS The Drudge Report started in 1995 as a gossip column focusing on Hollywood and Washington, D.C. [11] Matt Drudge began the email-based newsletter from an apartment in Hollywood, California, using his connections with industry and media insiders to break stories, sometimes before they hit the mainstream media. Jan 02, 2020 at 4:48 pm. Drudge Report, RIP | Mises Institute 149 9 Sponsored by Grid News Still, the Rasmussen number is interesting and encouraging within the context of their own trends. I try not to check it, but its informative to see what narratives are being promoted to the mainstream. It's not clear, however, if Matt Drudge is still the owner, or involved on a daily basis. run ads on drudge report california notice do not sell my info The move has outraged some conservative pundits and resulted in the creation of new Drudge competitors. "Frankly, I'm concerned this is the sole reason Drudge went mainstream and to the left: to satisfy his new advertising agency. ", "Drudge Report Used Photo Of Children In Syria To Depict U.S. Border Crisis", "The Drudge Report chose a very misleading photo for a child immigration story",, Articles with dead external links from February 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2022, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 03:10. However, as verified commentator Mark Dice notes in the tweet above, even the fan who runs the page seems to think Drudge has sold his site. Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt [Drudge] is there anymore. Backstory: Matt Drudge used to dig out these same 1st term, same-day Presidential approval comparison stats out of our data tables by hand & publish them. "The most compromised ad delivery platforms were Yield Manager and Fimserve, but a number of smaller ad systems, including Myspace, were also found to be delivering malware on a lesser scale," said Avast Virus Labs.[27]. BizPac Review is under attack by progressive Silicon Valley zealots. Traffic to the site has fallen by more than 45% from the previous year. visits to drudge 2/21/2021 019,307,264 past 24 hours 693,592,779 past 31 days 10,238,209,816 past year reference desk. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. That happened, just days after the site changed hands . ( / Courtesy) Matt Drudge, a . The Drudge Report is one of the most popular news sites on the web receiving over a billion page views per month and has historically been a conservative-leaning news aggregator and was openly pro-Trump. The Rasmussen Report polling agency (the only polling company that accurately predicted the 2016 election) has evidence that they believe Drudge no longer operates and owns the site. Yet another reason Matt Drudge is missed. [104] Drudge was accused by some commentators of planting a false story for political ends. We got the hint & automated the process. Matt Drudge no longer owns nor runs the Drudge Report. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation. Most Voters Reject Anti-White Beliefs, Romantic Dinner Remains Valentines Day Favorite, Lab Leak Story: How Elite Scientists Lied and Concealed the Truth, Republicans Retain Edge in Electoral College Tie, Scholars Rank Biggest Spending Presidents as the Greatest, Divided States of America? [98], In 1999, the Drudge Report announced that it had viewed a videotape which was the basis of a Star magazine and Hard Copy story. And what he and his team found at the time appeared to suggest that Drudge may have essentially sold his conservative bona fides for clicks and moola. In 2019, Rasmussen Reports reported that Matt Drudge had sold the site and was no longer involved in its operations, which would also explain the change in editorial direction; however, that reporting was On Sunday the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. Under the headline, "Woman Names Bill Clinton Father Of Son In Shocking Video Confession", Drudge reported a videotaped "confession" by a former prostitute who claimed that her son was fathered by Bill Clinton. We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. This guy is an activist not a reporter.