Under Texas law, driving while your license is suspended typically does not lead to jail time on the first offense, but could end up costing you more in fines and an even longer suspension. SB1737 seeks to amend Section 544.007 of Texas Transportation Code in order to allow cyclists and motorcyclists to proceed through a traffic-actuated red light if the traffic-control signal fails to register the motorcycle or bicycle. Both HB99 and HB441 also seek to amend Article 14.06 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to state that an officer who is charging a person only with a Class C/B misdemeanor for possession of marijuana may not arrest the person, and shall issue the person a citation instead. Should college student-athletes be paid? A number of California's new laws for 2021 are efforts to root out systemic . Abbott has just announced a special legislative session to begin on July 8th, 2021). California Self-Storage Lien-Law Bill Passes Senate Additionally, the bill would adjust for inflation each subsequent year. The officer knows or should know that the other officers use of force: Puts a person at risk of bodily injury, as that term is defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, and is not immediately necessary to avoid imminent bodily injury to a peace officer or other person; and. Each of the above bills seek to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure in order to add a section regarding law enforcement policies on discharging a firearm at a moving vehicle. Possession of more than two (2) grams and less than two (2) ounces of marijuana would still be a Class B misdemeanor. Insurance companies claim that this information is irrelevant and immaterial to a pre-suit claim, while plaintiffs lawyers argue that it can help facilitate settlement and avoid needless litigation. If passed, HB2157 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code to add Womens Equality Day, which would fall on the 26th day of August, as an official state holiday in Texas. If passed, HB476 seeks to expand the use of the fund for veterans assistance to allow the Texas Veterans Commission to make grants to provide pro bono legal services to veterans, active duty members of the United States armed forces, and members of the state military forces. Since this time, the noneconomic damages portion of a victims claim have been limited to an amount not to exceed $250,000regardless of whether or not the plaintiff was awarded more in court. SCR20 seeks to have the 87th Texas Legislature recognize the original 1847 Colt Walker pistol as the official handgun of the State of Texas. August 24, 2021 . In Texas, fireworks are only permitted to be sold to the public during certain periods of the year (i.e., between June 24 through July 4; December 20 through January 1; May 1 through May 5). The officer reasonably believes that they are unable to mitigate or prevent the deadly force by the officer moving out of the path of the vehicle. If passed, SJR12 & HJR69 seek to amend Article VI of the Texas Constitution to allow a person who will be 18 years of age or older on the date of the subsequent general election to vote in a primary election. Search the Knowledge Base to find a . If passed, SB128 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to add Celebration of Suffrage Day in honor of the centuries-long struggle to bring the right of suffrage to all Americans. If passed, HB3325 & SB1945 both seek to amend several sections of Texas Transportation Code (as well as portions of Texas Business & Commerce Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, Education Code, Family Code, Government Code, Insurance Code, and Occupations Code) in order to replace the word accident (when used to describe a motor vehicle collision) with the word crash.. MDARD suspended Marlena's food establishment license on Jan. 20, but Pavlos-Hackney refused to close, posting her decision to a large following on multiple Facebook pages. HB929 (known as the Botham Jean Act or Bos Law) seeks to clean up ambiguous guidelines in Texas castle doctrine law, to clean up language regarding mistake of fact when used as a legal defense, as well as to standardize police body cam policy and increase police accountability and transparency with regard to body worn cameras. In order to provide funding for this, the bill would appropriate state aid (from the economic stabilization fund) to school districts in an amount equal to the product of $4,000 multiplied by the number of classroom teachers, full-time librarians, full-time school counselors, and full-time school nurses employed by the districtbut only if the bill is approved by a 2/3 vote. If passed, HB562 would require each law enforcement agency in Texas to adopt a detailed written policy regarding the use of force by peace officers employed by the agency. Affirm the sanctity of human life and the importance of treating all persons with dignity and respect. These policies must: HB833, if passed, goes a bit further than HB562 by requiring that the commission develop and make available to all law enforcement agencies in this state a model policy and associated training materials regarding the use of force by peace officers. A description of any attempt that was made by the peace officer to de-escalate the situation before the force was used (if applicable). According to the bill, the comptroller shall determine the adjusted minimum wage on December 1 of each year by increasing the adjusted minimum wage for that calendar year by the percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price index for the 12 months preceding that date. Contractor or employee performing job duties relating to the installation, operation, or maintenance of said video recording equipment. Each of the three bills listed above seek to amend several sections of Texas Government Code (as well as the Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Family Code, Estates Code, Health and Safety Code, and Code of Criminal Procedure) in order to permit or require the attendance of a court hearing or proceeding remotely through the use of technology and the Internet.. If passed, the bills would define a public place as any place to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access. Vehicle registration suspended for driving without insurance. Each of the Joint Resolutions listed above propose an amendment to the Texas constitution authorizing the legislature to legalize wagering on professional and collegiate sporting events in the State of Texas. Ill be honest I thought we had settled this one a long time ago. The person possesses a product that purports by the products label to contain a consumable hemp product that is authorized under state or federal law; The product contains a controlled substance or marihuana, other than the substances extracted from hemp in the concentrations authorized by law; and. If passed, HB1955 seeks to amend Section 9.51 of Texas Penal Code to state that a peace officer is only justified in using deadly force against another when and to the degree the peace officer reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to make an arrest (or to prevent escape after arrest) if: HB1757 seeks to add additional rules relating to the recording of a peace officers performance of official duties and interactions with the public. Even if their damages later turn out to be much higher than they initially thought, the insurance company is no longer obligated to pay any additional compensation. HB809 seeks to allow the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical cannabis for medical use by patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). SB70 seeks to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to add a section titled Use of Force Reporting.. Manage and Report Changes to an Existing License, Texas Responsible Alcohol Delivery Training, Information for Local Government Officials, File a TABC Certification School Complaint, Personal Importation and Ports of Entry FAQs, TABC Sept. 1, 2021 License Consolidation Explained chart (PDF). Today, we figured wed highlight some of these new proposed laws and explain exactly what they mean in simple terms. HB2434 goes a bit further, requiring that board members (as well as the CEO) must live and work in the state.. Call us toll-free at 1-833-720-6090 to discuss your case today for no cost. Two years later, the district attorneys office presented evidence to a grand jury asking that they charge the accused driver with criminally negligent homicide. In order to meet compliance, operators of these establishments would be required to have all employees complete said training program on an annual basis. Reinstatement fees in Massachusetts range from $100 up to $1,200, holders of a driver's license and $100 up to $1,200 for holders of a junior operators license. Beginning January 1, 2022, new laws will take effect that will make the process more streamlined to resolve . New laws affecting TDLR licensees take effect September 1 . She received a two-year partially probated suspension, effective Feb. 15, in connection with a case where she accepted $1,200 . The 87th Texas Legislature began on Jan. 12, 2021 and officially concluded on May 31st, 2021 (although Gov. All rights reserved. If passed, SB1012 & HB3138 both seek to require electric providers to obtain a residential customers express consent before enrolling them in a variable rate energy plan. HJR100 & SJR55 both propose a constitutional amendment relating to the right to own, hold, and use any mutually agreed upon medium of exchange (including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies). HB934 seeks to modify Section 551.352 of the Texas Transportation Code in order to add additional restrictions on operating motor-assisted scooters within the state of Texas. If passed, HB3296 seeks to increase the monthly salary of any classroom teacher, full-time librarian, full-time school counselor, or full-time school nurse in Texas by an extra $400 for the 2021-2022 school year. Gavin Newsom hundreds of bills that he signed into law, including several with major consequences for Californians. Michigan will no longer suspend driver's licenses for issues unrelated to driving safety, such as missed court appointments and unpaid fees. Our firm is dedicated to helping victims and their families seek justice. Offering an incentive or inducement (other than a warranty issued by a repair person or facility) for the beneficiary or claimant to use a particular repair person or facility. Excerpt from the bill: For thousands of years, the mermaid has been one of the most striking symbols of humanitys connection with the natural world, and over the past century, this legendary figure has come to represent the city of San Marcos and its special relationship to the water resources of Central Texas.. Auto insurance companies will often contact car accident victims within hours of an accident claim being filed in order to offer them a quick (lowball) settlement offer. The bill, if passed, would also set the legal groundwork for licensing cultivators and dispensaries, manufacturing practices, safety testing, and more. Require that motor vehicles move to another lane (if available) to pass bicycle riders on a roadway. SB55 & HB1176, if passed, seek to modify Section 13.001 of Texas Election Code to reflect this change in law. This would effectively allow physicians in Texas to prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients diagnosed with any medical condition that produces symptoms, or the treatment of which produces symptoms, that are alleviated by medical use of low-THC cannabis., As mentioned previously, the Texas Compassionate Use Act currently allows physicians in Texas to prescribe low-THC cannabis only to patients diagnosed with epilepsy, seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, terminal cancer, or an incurable neurodegenerative disease..