Elijah ordered Marcel to leave, which he did grudgingly. After a heated debate where Kol told Marcel he was never a Mikaelson, Marcel agreed with him, saying he was happy that he wasn't. He then gets a call from Cami telling him she'll use Finn's feelings as an advantage. By Niklaus Mikaelson in 1835 (into a vampire)By The Ancestors in 2014 (into an Upgraded Original Vampire) (through The Immortality Spell) In Wild at Heart, Marcel attended a dinner Aya hosted with some of The Strix inner circle. Marcel yells and stops the fight, he then picks up Klaus' coin. In The River in Reverse, Marcel meets with Tyler and his lair. The Governor (Father)Unknown Mother Niklaus Mikaelson (Adoptive Father)Unknown Stepmother Emil (Paternal Half-Brother)Hope Mikaelson (Adoptive Younger Sister)Rebekah Mikaelson (Wife) What episode does Lucien die? What episode does jackson die in the originals? If you think I'm wrong, then you're probably a Taurus (did I do that right?). I could be totally wrong here but I have a feeling that Marcel's in for a rude awakening from his surrogate dad. Now as I was panicking that my favorite character was dead, I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't actually dead. he wants her to find out how to kill an Original. In season four Marcel would again join forces with Klaus and his revived family in order to stop the Hollow. Miley Cyrus! Klaus, impressed with his defiance, and feeling as though the two were kindred spirits, decided to adopt the boy into his family as his ward. Once the spell was completed, Marcel took Davina to his loft, fearing Klaus' retaliation but she was furious with him for not believing in her and trying to stop the spell. He then rescued his newly-born adoptive sister, hoping to use her as leverage to get Klaus to heal them all with his blood, but when he returned to the compound, the vampires were already dead. He was one of Marcel's loyal vampires who deserved much better, I will go down fighting for this. Slave (Formerly)Klaus' Protg (Formerly)Soldier (Formerly) Leader of the New Orleans VampiresLeader of his Vampire ArmyLeader of The Strix (Formerly)The Hollow's anchor to the living world (Formerly)Prisoner (Formerly) Klaus, as a peace offering, gives Marcel some of his blood so Marcel can give it to the man he bit. He was trying to maintain order within the city, which meant dealing with the witches, who continued their pursuit of Davina after the Harvest ritual he and his army interrupted. Marcels changing characteristics and storyline gave him a huge fan base. Is Marcel killed in Season 4 of the originals? It is unknown if he would have been strong enough to pull it out if it had gone into his chest like Mikael or Klaus could. When Sophie, Jane-Anne's sister, comes to collect her body and put it in a cemetery so she can be at peace, Marcel takes it away from her and says that Sophie must cooperate in order to put her sister to rest. The story revolves around the vampire families and their tussle with the werewolves. Furious over their part in Davina's failed revival, he hatefully reminded them that he had done everything they asked; even joining The Strix and putting his own life at risk countless times because they needed him to. The war was interrupted due to Hayley Marshall (who was then pregnant with hers and Klaus' baby daughter) being kidnapped by the witches, as well as the witches' allies Francesca Correa and her brothers, who revealed they were not actually human, but untriggered werewolves descended from a member of the former Guerrera Pack. Jackson Kenner is the character you can hate or love but cant ignore. Aya listened to Marcel's advice and The Strix abandoned their leader to his fate. Klaus says that either he's lost his touch, or maybe Marcel had. Marcel drove Stefan and Hayley to the Strix hideout before going inside and speaking with Aya, who was anxious to free thousands of vampires from the Originals. However, after seven years together, Rebekah rejects Marcel when he proposed to her because she wants to put her family first. Then he gets a call from Klaus who informs him that Davina has escaped and he goes to him to find out what happened. Our beloved Cami, who wanted her to die in the first place? Marcel denied any of his vampires being responsible, reminding him that he wasn't the only vampire in the city. Hayley then prospered to Gia and Marcel they help her recuse Oliver from the witches. Later as they look over Eva's file Marcel mentions to Rebekah he thinks it's good she took over her body clearly horrified towards her crimes against kid witches and warlocks. Significant kills Elijah Mikaelson died in season 5 episode 13. . When Marcel learned it was to rescue Tristan who had been taken hostage by the Originals, he believed it was a suicide mission. Klaus of course thinks he should "cut his losses", but he needs Camille's opinion. Proving to their Aunt Dahlia that he was ruthless, he had ripped Gia's daylight ring off and forced her into the sunlight while making Elijah watch her burn right in front of him. When Marcel declared there was only one justice and it was him, a freed Klaus appeared behind him and stabbed him with Papa Tunde's blade. She not only lost her Uncle, but her brother Sean earlier and in the later seasons her own life. He has also said that he looks good in a suit which he wears on special occasions, such as the Masquerade Ball he hosted to present himself as respectable. Marcel tries to stop her, but gets his neck magically broken. He told Elijah that they wanted Davina Claire and that Hayley was in the way of getting her. Fun Meanings Here! Just one of the biggest stars of the 1950s, no big deal. Marcel is pissed that he lost more of his friends. Marcel pledges his allegiance to Klaus and tells him that he can have his kingdom. In The Map of Moments, he helps Cami not to be possessed by Rebekah. Klaus tells Marcel that the main reason for this whole taking over New Orleans was mainly the witches idea, he doesn't want his baby to have a father like he had. He initially refuses to help Klaus to investigate sacrificed vampires in the Cauldron. Marcel was very moral, as he tried to stop another slave getting beaten which then resulted in Marcel getting shot by his own father. Klaus denies this, calls him family and wishes him to follow him. When Klaus realized how close Marcel was becoming to The Strix as their new leader, he questioned if Marcel had any other news about them that he wanted to share. How much the good outweighs the bad. Marcel reminded Josh that while their sireline was severed, The Strix were still sired to Elijah. They tell the vampire army they're not welcome in the city anymore when Marcel reminds about their old deal. This made his vampire faction reign supreme over witches, humans, and werewolves during the next few decades until Marcel ultimately became the de facto King of New Orleans. 'The Originals' Season 4 Spoilers: Will Klaus Kill Marcel When He's Rebekah and Freya have prepared a meal, having hoped that she's return. supernatural, miraclebaby, tvdfa. Elton John! He was an oppressor. When Davina questioned his action, Marcel told her he was preventing a blood bath and protecting her, but told her to go help Vincent who was having trouble in the cemetery while Marcel would keep an eye on Kol. Marcel thereafter sentences Thierry to 100 years in the Garden. Still concerned, Marcel went to Vincent at Rousseau's and tried to convince Vincent to help get Davina out of the danger she was in. Marcel then gets his nightwalkers inside, and inside the nightwalker bar he confronts Josh about being a spy for Klaus. At the first, the two find . In the present, Marcel is concerned about Davina, who feigns a panic attack about "something bad coming" at Elijah's instructions. When they start looking for Davina he makes deal with Elijah to ensure that Davina would be safe from Klaus once they find her. Elijah recalls Elijah. He's persuaded the humans to look the other way, chased away the werewolves and locked down the witches with some kind of secret. Klaus throws a coin saying whoever gets the coin will live, no one goes for it. You probably forgot about Thierry right? He presumably kidnaps Hayley at the end of the episode, as he is last seen facing Hayley at the door before she disappears. Also, Read | Does Ash Die In Euphoria? Marcel made clear that he only joined The Strix to figure out what they wanted with his city and was uneasy about possibly blowing his cover to investigate the society's leader. They reported back that Tristan was secretly working with Lucien, despite their claims that their sirelines were at war. During Marcel's rule, he enforced a system of rules of his creation within the French Quarter, by which all supernatural residents must abide. They call a meeting for Father Kieran and the other human then they start taking out the humans one by one. Eye color Does Josh die in the originals? Marcel had Josh ask Davina for help finding them and they found their bodies, covered in werewolf bites, having been tortured and torn apart near the site of Jackson's death. Shortly after he returned home, he aided Klaus in the conflict between Klaus and the new leader of the New Orleans witch coven, Papa Tunde. No worries though, Kol finally comes back in his original body. As the blade started sinking into his chest, Marcel used his advanced strength to stop the blade's progress and pulled it out but not before the Mikaelsons escaped the compound. In Savior, Marcel arrived at his bar to find Tristan, who explained his plan to ally himself with Van Nguyen and have him become the new Regent since they still needed one to activate The Serratura. The vampires, hybrids, and werewolves all banded together to fight against the Mikaelson children's resurrected witch mother Esther and brother Finn, along with their similarly resurrected Original vampire father Mikael and their powerful, ancient, and immortal witch aunt Dahlia, who sought Klaus and Hayley's daughter and Marcel's adopted sister Hope for her own coven. Does marcellus die in the originals? Explained by Sharing Culture Klaus Mikaelson died in the finale of season 5 episode 13. Now on his deathbed, Josh recalls the first day he met Marcel and how loyalty was the very thing that made Marcel spare his life. Marcel gathered Alistair and his followers to the compound to show them Klaus. She was impressed by his resolve and proposed that they take the conversation some place more private, where he wouldn't be trying to defend his pride in front of his men. In The Bloody Crown, Marcel reveals himself to the Mikaelsons as an Upgraded Original Vampire, shocking them all. He seems bitter and hurt by it. Outside of Rousseau's Marcel and Gia spy on Cami's date with Finn to make sure it goes well. Marcel met with Vincent at the bar to discuss the Hollow's defeat but Vincent wasn't convinced it was over, worried that had already gotten to Marcel when he was in the circle, asking him what he saw. In Rebirth, with most of the vampires being exiled from the Quarter by the werewolves, Marcel began rebuilding a vampire community from scratch. However, Marcel is dismayed as they haven't found anything wrong with him. When did Keelin and Freya get married? He worked with Hayley, Freya, Lucien and another member of Klaus' sireline, Stefan Salvatore. The Originals is a spin-off of the wildly popular show The Vampire Diaries, . Marcel regrouped with Tristan and Aya at his loft, giving Tristan Klaus' blood to heal from the werewolf bites he had received during his captivity. Marcel tried to break through to the Original, telling him despite never liking him even on the best of days, Kol clearly wasn't himself. In Save My Soul, Marcel protects Rebekah against witches such as Josephine LaRue when they want her more specifically Eva for the most recent attack on two teenagers that she killed. After collecting Lucien's blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening condition. Before that was Mystic Falls and he built a school for her. Gia wants to fight to stay in the city and Josh is skeptic on how to beat the werewolf army since they now have the Moonlight Ring. It all started with Lucien turning into the beast and biting Cami. Their meeting was interrupted by the arrival of Aya, who had told Marcel she had an offer for him. On how they need her help to bring back Kol. Sofya who was possessed by the Hollow had stabbed Elijah by the thorned stake, and things went downhill from that point on. With her help, Marcel learned that a werewolf named Lara had connections to the threat known as the Hollow. In The Devil Comes Here and Sighs, after Marcel learned that Kol's resurrection had been corrupted by The Ancestors so he couldn't control his bloodlust, Marcel broke his neck during a date with Davina when he growing hostile. The fight seemed to be going poorly, with Mohinder easily beating down Marcel. While not arrogant, he has displayed over-confidence when confronted by beings more powerful than him, such as when he spoke down to Klaus, disregarding that he would be nothing if it wasn't for Klaus, the Original Hybrid, much more powerful than any non-Original vampire in his "army", though while Klaus did make him who he was, he also wasn't always benevolent, as he daggered Rebekah for getting too close to Marcel, this affected Marcel deeply and it caused him to resent Klaus as well as eventually turn against him. He has a pretty good reason, he wants to help the people. So, we could say her death was tragic, emotional, and full of sacrifice. Klaus visits him with hopes of sharing a glass of bourbon in an act of peace. Hair color How does Marcel die? Marcel tried to fight back as Davina screamed for him to help her but Elijah snapped his neck. Marcel was also banished from the French Quarter by Elijah due to Rebekah and his great betrayal from 1919. The couple which became engaged after an explosion nearly claimed Keelin's life, putting things into perspective for Freya officially ties the knot on the show's July 18 episode (The CW, 9/8c), appropriately titled "'Til the Day I Die." (You know, because it would be too much to ask for a wedding in this franchise . Unfortunately for fans like myself the show is ending, season five is going to be the last. He confronted him but the witch impaled Marcel with a piece of metal, temporarily incapacitating him. Their relationship crumbles after Klaus finds out, in the 20th century, it was Marcel and Rebekah who brought Mikael to New Orleans in order to kill him. Davina was undeterred, believing the spell would work and wanting to rid the world of Klaus. Klaus later calls to say he knew Marcel did not bomb the wolves, told him Kieran died, and he had 24 hours to come help Cami and to bury his friend until his exile is re-instated. Cami is shocked and Marcel tells her to get a new adviser. Marcel won't explain how he controls the witches, but Elijah explains that the blood of a hybrid will cure the fatality of a werewolf bite. In I Hear You Knocking, Marcel is seen drinking at a bar when Sofya enters, wondering why Marcel didn't return home that night. She even had a tape recorder in her purse to tape their conversations. House of the Rising Son 42m. Marcel was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1810 to a female slave and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. He then tells her he's also is in a predicament if he doesn't get her blood to Finn he's going kill every vampire by the hour. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the recent murders in the city where it looked like compulsion was involved. Marcel's style is quite similar to Klaus'. When are we all going to learn that bringing back dead supernatural beings is the WORST POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM? He wears form fitting T-shirts usually dark-ish colors: black, grey and blue and dark jeans although has been seen to wear those of a lighter color. Marcel had been her adoptive father so to speak and was devastated that she was dead and that he couldn't bring her back. It was also shown that Marcel planned to raid the ritual with the full intent of saving the four witches that were to be sacrificed, including Davina, but arrived too late and only managed to save Davina. Jackson's death leaves Hayley devastated and she eventually goes on to seek revenge against Marcel. Klaus is stabbing Marcel to drain him of his blood. He lets Rebekah know he's in charge and everything in New Orleans is his. He kept Klaus in a dungeon beneath the compound, letting him suffer and rot for the endless crimes he had committed. After Davina was recruited to be one of The Strix's witches, The Sisters, Marcel met with Josh who asked what they were going to do about The Strix now that Davina was working for them. With the Hollow defeated, he is currently in New York City with Rebekah. As of the end of Season Two and the beginning of Season Three, Marcel had a tenuous and strained relationship with Klaus and was leading the supernatural community at large once again alongside Davina, the new Regent of the nine covens of New Orleans. Later that year, Marcel was shot by the governor, his own father, while trying to free some slaves. Grab your tissues because things are going get sad real quick. Klaus does nothing but Elijah exiles Marcel from the French Quarter threatening him to never return. Marcel, who was also bitten himself by Klaus, was running out of time to save himself and his people. Marcellus "Marcel" Gerard is a main character on The Originals. Marcel returned home to New Orleans after fighting in World War I. Marcel later met with a begrudged Aya and reminded her that he had experience running vampire societies and the first thing he did was make sure his followers were loyal. At one point in the show, the "original family" was introduced when they came to Mystic Falls to wreck some havoc on the residents. The Originals Round Table: Will Marcel Kill a Mikaelson?!? Vincent demanded that Marcel get the Mikaelsons back to New Orleans so he could heal Hope from the power that was draining the life from her, even going so far as to say she was in a way, Marcel's sister, since he was Klaus' adopted son. You may wish to edit it to improve the standard or quality of work present on this article. The Originals is the spin-off series of the Vampire Diaries show. Klaus says the French Quarter is Marcel's home and if he is welcome, he would like to stay for awhile. What Should You Not Forget To Go To Vegas? Marcel Gerard (Season 3, episode 21) During season 3, he actually became the beast that would end the Mikaelson family and for a moment there I was cheering on his side. He was formerly an antagonist during the early episodes of the first season. Nobody is safe on The Originals if they're not a member of the Mikaelson family, as we saw in the penultimate . Continue with Recommended Cookies. Mikael would send him out alone to practice. Another character that said goodbye to the series was Aiden. Know The Fate Of Marcel! Physical appearance Marcel has the typical weaknesses of an Upgraded Original Vampire. She is a writer who never fails to fascinate with her brilliant storytelling; after all, she is the postgraduate historian of Jamia! Thierry joins Marcel to retake the city. He tries to get Hayley to leave town as he may have to become the bad guy to get Klaus out of town but she refuses. Unaware that Dahlia killed him, they believe that he was murdered by Klaus for his betrayal, and they mourn him together before Davina makes her way to Algiers, where Marcel is. when does marcel die in the originals for goodlebanon, mo city dump. Elijah arrived and revealed that he knew Aya, attacking her and threatening her for more information. In Sinners and Saints, Marcel is told by Kieran O'Connell that he has to move Davina because he's concerned the witches will eventually catch up with her. What Happened To Him In Season 2? Elijah initially seemed enraged by the results, shoving his hand into Marcel's chest and threatening to kill him but Marcel reminded him that he just played the game by the rules. Who remembers Elijah's one time girlfriend before Hayley? He plans on keeping Klaus in there for 52 years. Hayley and Jackson had gotten married and raised Hope together despite the Mikaelson's always interfering. He will also be seen wearing necklaces and scarfs as accessories. As was the norm, the Mikaelson children fled New Orleans after his arrival, a long cat-and-mouse game they played with their father. At the end of the season, Marcel bit Elijah and Kol , ensuring their deaths, and unseated Klaus once and for all. Cami won the hearts of fans with her powerful personality. The central character of The Originals was Klaus Mikaelson who proved again and again that he is the true ruler of the show. She is reluctant to hand over the dagger as Kol gave it to her for protection, and she'll decide if it gets used. Once they learning that the only way to stop Davina from destroying the entire city, they must complete the harvest Marcel takes Davina with him and hides her. Davina attacks him but suddenly starts coughing out dirt, making him even more worried about her. SEE MORE: 10 Different Times "The Originals" Showed How Important Siblings Are. . Sitting down at the table, she takes a moment and gives her answer. Marcel and Vincent drove out to the mansion's grounds where they discussed the past of their city, and Vincent's attempt long ago to find a power that could have defeated Marcel and brought the witches out from under his thumb. The Hollow tried to influence them, hoping to use them as an anchor to act more directly in the living world. when does marcel die in the originals for good Eunoia| The originals - - Wattpad He then fled with it in his hand. As Freya sets an extra plate, Kol arrives just in time. The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems, but I will give you my best guess. However, they realized there were four children but five totems and Marcel recognized that the fifth totem belonged to Hope Mikaelson. Marcel and Rebekah met in the 1800's and as Marcel grew up, he and Rebekah fell in love. One of Marcel's followers comes to give him news of some killings of the local vampires. This character remained a controversial one. Marcel has Rebekah in her old room. Later, Marcel is watching as the surviving vampires burn the dead fighters. He asked her to trust him, assuring her he was loyal to her over Aya, and that once the sirelines were unlinked, he would do all he could to help her bring back her boyfriend.