Had a beeping BT DTR T2100 box which wouldnt load past the start up screen following a power off and on. 05-06-2019 Our set-up is quite simple. Do I need to identify the drive make first and replace with same to ensure connections are compatible, or can I assume that if I order say a Western Digital to the serial number you quoted that it will fit? Naturally he blames the box, saying it is faulty after retuning and testing. But those who wish to cancel their TV and broadband contracts now, ahead of the shake-up, can do so penalty-free. Well worth checking for blown/burnt components as you suggest. (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(n=t.source||{}).concatemoji?c(n.concatemoji):n.wpemoji&&n.twemoji&&(c(n.twemoji),c(n.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); Ill just endorse a couple of points made by Keri above the sticky pad holding the original drive had me cursing, and a bit of firm persuasion was required to get the drive out. What software did you use to clone the drive? Only if you want that SSD to die prematurely! I tried all 5 options in M mode and kept getting the same answer. If youre using Powerline adapters, make sure these are connected also. Worked a treat. Is the soldering easy or should I take it to a hifi repair shop? If it does then you have the original Humax DTR-T1000. Remove the bottom of the box leaving the PCB resting inside the lid. As Graham pointed out, whether you continue to receive all the channels depends on where your new address is. Reports about this have diminished, so maybe BT finally put a stop to the misinformation. I run it on Win 10 and it is easy to follow, has a safety feature because you have to apply or tick the box to actually start to do the copy etc nice if you are just new to copying drives etc. Weber County Sheriff Jobs, Thanks for the quick response and here are some related questions.. Have followed all the instructions above and only getting a waking up screen on repeat. Any ideas? Then came across your site. I expect so, but you won't receive any of Plusnet's pay tv services. Mine actually had a Seagate ST500VT000 fitted. I tried to reformat it but it just comes back to the same menu , plus it keeps saying format failed if i try to format the disc and delete the recordings . Tried maintenance mode, software repair brings it back to the loop, factory resets with keeping the recordings failed. var removeEvent = function(evt, handler) { YouView is a broadband internet ( IPTV) based video-on-demand and catch-up TV platform that is being bundled by several ISPs across the United Kingdom and has also been sold at retail. Its also the consumers responsibility to understand their rights, which is why using these forums helps. Gently disconnect the plug for cable from the lid where it connects to the main PCB. Excellent guide which I used to replace the failed drive in my BT youview box. Using Ultra HD - YouView Support Neil, Hi, do you know what the maximum supported drive size is? @media (max-width: 768px){.better-responsive-menu .sub-toggle{background:#0077c5}} Another easy check would be to measure the output voltage of the power supply to make sure that hasnt failed. The same applies to YouView boxes and the new BT TV Pro 4K box. The box should function (more or less) as a Freeview Play box. BT Vision+ Pace DiT7431/052B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder The 165960205623 BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder - $24.71. Yes you are being misled by BT. I still have the old 1tb drive which Ill just keep handy for a month just in case etc it still spins up and passes Win 10 disk health checks so we will see how long it lasts. YouView TV Ltd 2023. Thanks. Simon, on a BT or TT supplied YouView box (including second hand bought ones) both BT and TT are only responsible for their own services, which are only the live channels and Video on Demand features they provide. Its great that you managed to keep the old recordings from your original Youview hard drive. As I said above I unplugged the Internet from it for that day but that's probably not required. Sounds like they have taken on a load of ex-Sky CS gonks who have not completed their retraining. Am I being mislead by BT here to keep me paying? All good Cheers! Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. Thanks to this site, I was able to buy a correct replacement disk (eBay) and now have a newly functioning box. Repaired my box. All Rights Reserved. Just fitted ebay hard drive no software reset gone back to its old settings bt waking up then youview loading maintenance setting just flashed on screen just once. so I put in a clean 320HDD (cleaned with diskpart). However, when using the SMART standby option, I noticed the disk span up and back down again about once per minute, which was quite loud. Second-Hand Satellite & Cable Equipment for Sale in PA40PW I'm now happy with the disagree icon, because its gone. Just repaired Humax T2120, from failed Seagate 500 GB to Toshiba 1tb. He apologised and said that the previous customer service agent hadnt changed anything on my account and he would cancel my BT TV package with immediate effect and that I would not need to return my YouView box.Ive now received an automated email, however, from BT explaining how to return my YouView box and that BT will be sending a pre-paid returns bag to me. 11 and it clones hdds ssds and NVME ssds too. And BT reps have publicly stated the box will continue to work. })('//www.centreyasmine.com/?wordfence_lh=1&hid=566A0B49D8C2C1E910203927A76934D5'); Can you get the Enter maintenance mode Y/N prompt on screen, and then press power? Unfortunately it turned out that it wasnt the HDD causing a T4000 to enter a Maintenance Mode spiral-of-death. The two medium length screws hold the PCB to the base. I'd plug the box back in. Only thing that was difficult was removing the old drive due to the sticky pad underneath it. 08h00 19h00 Tous les jours. Your box is connected to your TV witha HDMI or Scart cable and that the correct Source/ input is selected on your TV. .woocommerce ul.products li.product .onsale,.woocommerce span.onsale,.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover, .woocommerce a.button:hover, A red light should appear on the box, Press and hold the down arrow on your remote until you see the Enter Maintenance Mode Y/N (Y:POWER)prompt. Old YouView TV and Broadband ISP Boxes Lose Access to ITV Hub Resetting both your box and your router is likely going to be the easiest and quickest solution to this problem. Replaced the hard drive with one pulled from an old laptop. Gently align and tighten the four hard drive screws. If I buy a new dtr t2110, and follow your instructions to swap my existing hd into the new box, can I save my recordings?Im Does anyone know if the SSD has much of an impact on this? Some boxes were fitted with a Seagate 500Gb drive instead, part number ST500VT000. Make sure the physical power switch on the back of the box is switched off, then reconnect all the cables to the box. But it still doesnt work same as before, it wont enter maintenance mode and doesnt load. You can restore your box back to its factory settings, letting you start again from a clean slate. Box now works fine. Our box packed up giving that irritating occasional beeping noise whilst stuck on the loading screen. }; Or maybe not. What are things against if so Great instructions thx, bought a new drive (exact same 1tb WD drive). Thanks for the info I have changed the drive but the maintenance mode does not some up does the disk have to be formatted? Why is my BT YouView box stuck in maintenance mode? The ultra-compact YouView box gives you 7 days of catch-up TV and the full range of Freeview channels. I ordered SATA cable to connect the drive to computer and see if it works this way although not sure if its not gonna reset the disk now, like youve mentioned it at the beginning. In the long term a computer-type hard drive will fail before an AV grade one when fitted to your YouView box. Just want to say Thank You. Put the machine screw back in above the SCART socket. What about all those who bought Retail Youview Boxes ? Home Community Archived Posts. These are also AV grade drives and are available online through eBay here. Quick question, is there any reason you cant use any 2.5 drive? Apologies if someone has already asked this info. Thanks again. A YouView box is a set-top box, a device that converts the signals into something that your TV can read and display. Dream Mat Mousse Quelle Teinte Choisir, Thank you again! Connected drive to computer with a SATA to USB cable and removed the NTFS formatting, try again but still no Maintenance mode. Visit our full contacts page here. It comes with daily entertainment of BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All 4, and much more. Announcements, Guides & Community Updates, Here's where you can find out more about returns. So clearly explained. 9h22 04-06-2019 The wording of the email reads like a demand not an optional choice and there is no mention at all of adherence to electrical waste regulations or recycling etc. If you put the original drive back in the YouView box later it might be wiped and reformatted automatically rather than being recognised again. Thank you for the excellent guide, well written and easy to follow, I know have a working box once again. Impressed. var logHuman = function() { This is obvious if the old hard disk is broken, but if you are just upgrading your box with a larger hard drive the new drive will become married to the box. Sound on HDMI did not work initially but yet again thanks to blog some else had had this experience and posted the resolution .Great experience keep up the great advice. Bought the 500gb seagate drive, 30, fitted it, and box was up and running in 10 minutes! "pluginVersion": "1.6.0" The short machine screw goes in the back panel. took the old drive apart and the arm was stuck solid in the middle of the disk!!! Hi all sorted now there was a loop on my broadband before it entered the house. width: 1em !important; .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}. If you've been inactive for a certain amount of time, we'll give you a nudge and say your box is about to go into standby. How To Become A Commercial Diver In South Africa, I can't see how they would be able to get away with nobbling their boxes post-contract unless before providing a new box, they clearly stated this in their promotional material and T&Cs. if (window.wfLogHumanRan) { return; } You should now have a fully repaired YouView box! and that I would need to return the YouView box to BT (almost certainly wrong!). The hard disk might need to have all the partitions deleted rather than partitioning and formatting it in a computer. I had put my bt box in the bin then came across this website. West Sussex Squeezing the plug should release the latch on it. I cannot thank you enough. Its in their commercial interest not to advertise the consumers rights. Still functioning Cancelled a couple of months ago. Ktm Rc16 2021, The constant writing to disk by the Youview box, even when not recording a programme, will quickly wear out an SSD and it will fail. I was told by the BT customer service agent that if I wished to cancel my BT TV service I would need to give BT 30 days notice (pretty sure thats wrong!) Fix: ITV Hub Not Working on Youview box - Get Droid Tips My husband . I can't see any changes happening Regarding Freeview PVR functionality. Why couldnt more companies follow your example? Now with TALKTALK paying 8 a month for my Phone and Broadband. If so what file type.? Not tried the BT Vision option but I wouldn't expect that to work. Some Maintenance Modes will revert all your settings back to their defaults, remove any paired devices and delete your recordings & scheduled recordinglist. However, as its not an AV spec drive it might be noisier, hotter and fail prematurely due to the continuous recording nature of the Youview boxes. Now you can see the original YouView hard drive. We need to access Maintenance Mode from the start up screen. Within three seconds press and hold the power button on the front of the box and hold both buttons. Now no trouble getting Maintenance mode, and box appears to be working as before. Again, many many thanks. Im out of contract, and dont mind buying a new box (the current one has served us well) but I want to see if theres a way I can save the recordings. This is to support the feature of pausing and rewinding live TV. It has the title of 'How to return your kit'. Im a complete novice so was happy and pleasantly surprised it all works great! padding: 0 !important; Brilliant! Admittedly, YouView may be losing ground to cheaper rivals (e.g. The connections are the same so any of the brands are interchangeable. Will NEVER go back. BT's YouView boxes allow you to watch live TV let you seamlessly watch live or on-demand TV across multiple services, including Netflix, iPlayer and NOW TV. After slotting the new hard drive in place fit the lid and turn the box over again so the new drive and PCB are resting in the lid. It started ok, went to M mode, I chose the top setting and bingo, box worked AND kept all my recordings. I was dismayed that my box developed an HD issue, and even more so when I discovered you cant buy new boxes anymore. See the table below for links to buy the different makes and sizes of YouView Hard Drive. Thanks for your very clear easy to follow instructions which helped this 69yo silver surfer fix his box in minutes!! Thanks for the tips Steve! Follow these steps then come back and see your instructions: Once you have entered the Maintenance Mode Menu, you can choose from these options: Factory Reset , keep recordings (recommended), Factory Reset, delete recordings (if option 2 doesn't resolve your issue), Internet / USB recovery , delete recordings. wfscr.async = true; It sounds like there might be another fault rather than the hard drive itself. Ah ok, mine wass probably a refurb drive then. Following the removal of the HDD I did open up the HDD and could see the arm was stuck. Welcome to our best TV experience yet. YouView Home / Help & Support; Search or. How To Become A Commercial Diver In South Africa, Replay: La communication oculaire, la performance visuelle le champs visuelle et la rponse au prnom / , Replay: Trouble de dficit de lattention hyperactivit (TDAH)/ , Formation : Gestion des troubles des comportements anime par mme Ibtissam Benzahra. You View Box After I Leave Bt Digital Spy Kevin. YouView is Simply Smart TV - Our new design allows you to get to the shows you love even quicker than before and our new features make TV work for you. Thanks for the guide! Followed your instructions and couldnt have been easier. Im not overly fussed about the longevity more about booting and navigating menus. Hi, Just replaced hard drive working fine thanks for the info . So if you joined us or have renewed your contract on or after this date, youll be charged for not returning equipment to us. Here's everything you need to know: What is Ultra HD? BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Many thanks for your article. No problems just followed your instructions. With the lid clipped back in place turn the box upside down and fit the 4 long screws. Had a little difficulty removing the drive due the the sticky pad underneath but, once released, it came out easily. A YouView Box FAQ Some On Demand apps are only available in certain regions. BT YouView+ box review | Uswitch There are many reports of call centre staff 'demanding' people return their boxes, along with lies that the boxes. A red light should appear on the front panel, Press and hold VOL- button for 5 seconds until you see the Enter Maintenance Mode Y/N (Y:POWER) prompt. Ionic Industries 2023. It keeps on trying to start but never gets there. Thanks again for these instructions, and good luck to anyone else fixing their YouView box . var evts = 'contextmenu dblclick drag dragend dragenter dragleave dragover dragstart drop keydown keypress keyup mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup mousewheel scroll'.split(' '); ISP BT Charges UK Customers for Keeping Router and TV Box I tried reformatting in exFAT too and that made no difference. No, you need to get a BT Broadband package if you want to watch BT TV. Does this post mean a BT customer can keep the BT Youview box when their contract is up? Everything else will continue to work perfectly. The box light will turn blue, Press the button on the top of the box. Ofcom launches review into unsatisfied BBC audiences The sticky pad was the culprit! Got drive from ebay.Thanks. PS. Dream Mat Mousse Quelle Teinte Choisir, If you're able to, make a note of all your preferred settings and scheduled recordingsas you will lose them once you've completed a Maintenance Mode reset. That is, will I still be able to watch iPlayer through it? Moral here is buy a new drive, not refurbished, especially if your old drive has fully stopped spinning. Need help with these connections? Any suggestions how to keep the recordings before I try that option as a last resort? After a trouble-free 18 months, we turned on to find it had gone into maintenance mode screen. Worked a treat, thank you! Thanks for the feedback Keri! Youview is a TV service that provides more than 70 live digital channels. Reading through the other comments people have retained their recordings by cloning hard drives, but this is for the same box. Software reset and factory reset still failed, taking me back into maintenance mode. You'll get our best-ever TV box