(YouTubeversion), Frames Z-325 to Z-389: Fixed camera pointing at Ike Altgens A new theory that determines how many Zapruder frames were deleted from the original Zapruder film during that day November 24, 1963 per the alteration discovered by Douglas Horne. Orville Nix said that frames from the copy of his film are missing. Abraham Zapruder [Frame 314 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. New York: Random House, 1993, [Some people interpret the first shot as having been fired at this point]. Chris Bristow correctly identified the Zapruder film as the source. As you will see from what follows, this is a crucial question. There are three recorded interviews of the men who handled the briefing boards of the film. Failure Analysis' re-creation of the assassination using 3-D computer modeling confirmed a single bullet track was possible through both men at Z224, the moment of the lapel-flip. Frame by Frame breakdown of the Zapruder Film | [Numerous Ear-witnesses recall the first shot being about this point, when the car has just turned the corner onto Elm Street]. Kennedy becomes visible to Zapruder again, his right arm is resting on the edge of the car, having just relaxed from waving. One should watch the video The Zapruder Film Mystery. Quite an interesting interview and documentary. Homer McMahon, during his tape-recorded ARRB interview, stated he was not contacted by the duty officer at NPIC (Brugioni), which would have been normal procedure. It is hard to imagine a pyjama person coming away from attentive listening to this interview without an awakening.. and not like they ever taught too much anyway, right. The following is Nixs footage, which shows the assassination in the later stages. Josefa was also an alcoholic and was admitted to hospital several times with health problems. 3,000-5,000 BELL helicopters were lost in Viet Nam and BELLs stockholders made a fortune replacing them. My favourite question of this type to teen-agers, is to ask about the claim that the USA travelled to the moon 9 times in 1968-72, with 3 fly-bys & 6 landings & no one going back ever since Sometimes the young people just laugh and sometimes its Wot, they said they went to the moon? It establishes the pattern of altering, obfuscating and deep sixing the actual events of the conspiracy. There should be blood mist and blood spatter all over Jackie and the car and the the Secret Service guy who soon crawls up the back of the car. > tho it seems schools are noticeably teaching somewhat less history in general.< Frame-by-frame video analysis shows shocking new evidence in enhanced footage! here), The Kennedy Assassination and Zapruder Film: Conspiracy - Medium Also the lack of deformation/loss of mass in the bullet, which per the WR shattered one of Connallys ribs as well as his radius (the large bone in the wrist), and was (just as magically) found on a stretcher at Parkland; the WC did not really try to verify where it came from/how it got there, or whether Connally was ever on the stretcher where it was found; no one really knows do an image search for CE 399 to see a foto of it. And in real life, as demonstrated by the chart from the Military Armament Corporation, there are also manifold opportunities for fabrication and distortion. The frame where the President's head explodes in a fountain of red gore. The William Hartmann study on camera shake based on blur amount within a frame, The Frank Scott study on panning error from frame to frame, The Luis Alvarez study on camera shake based on blur changes/acceleration from frame to frame. For the impatient, the money quote and conclusion is:The film brought to NPIC from Hawkeyeworks by Bill Smith was created there, but it was not just developed it was are-creationof the Zapruder film after its alteration at that facility, intended to masquerade as an original out-of-camera, unslit (16 mm wide), double 8 film.. After finding Kinser in his golf shop, he shot him several times before escaping in his station wagon. Two sets of briefing boardswere made by Brugoni and his crew at NPIC: one for the customer (the Secret Service), and one for CIA Director John McCone. It's called a NTSC composite video frame, made up of two fields, one representing the odd scan lines the other representing even scanlines -- when individual fields are viewed one is seeing 50% resolution of the frame, quite frankly the entire MPI Zapruder film DVD appears at half resoulution, its horrible -- Stick to the otherside of the . Zapruder film continues to resonate in era of social media, smartphones. I. The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK's head gets blasted away! [3] After President Kennedy was assassinated, Jacqueline Kennedy insisted on wearing the suit, stained with his blood, during the swearing-in of Lyndon B. Johnson on Air Force One and for the flight back to Washington, D.C., with the presidents body., The pink suit Jackie Kennedy was wearing on the day her husband, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated now sits in the National Archives building in Maryland, bloodstained and hidden from view, and it will remain that way until 2103., I ask all here to have a look at Jackies pink dress and tell me if you think that is all the blood she would have on her pink suit after clutching JFK to her breast on the trip to Parkland hospital after John had suffered At least one head shot and one shot through the neck. 339, A 3-D Lighting and Shadow Analysis of the JFK Zapruder Film (Frame 317). He told Lane that at the time of the assassination, he believed that the shots came from behind the fence on the grassy knoll,the James Files shooting location. Deputy Commandant ME65 (Jedburgh training school) 1944 The following is Todd Vaughans schematic representation of that car, identifying the make, year, and occupants, including their relative positions: A detailed examination and isolation of frames Z153 through Z158 yields interesting results. Estimated point at which Ike Altgens picture is shot [showing what appears to be Oswald in the SBD doorway, and an open window in the second floor Dal-Tex broom closet. at the time (around 2003), and As Burgini exclaims throughout the interview, neither group was aware of the other groups activity that weekend,nor were they intended to be. You may be wondering at this point: How could anyone with normal hearing not have heard that first loud bang? and their direction, as these had been the focus of After all, there were many residents in Dealey Plaza filming the motorcade and all were compelled by characters claiming to be FBI or CIA to give up their cameras and film. Maybe MLK was really killed, but not the Kennedys right? Computer Science Technical Report TR2010-677. Milicent Cranor, a WhoWhatWhy senior editor with a background in forensic medical publishing, has studied the JFK assassination on and off for more than two decades. What Does the Zapruder Film Really Tell Us? - Smithsonian Magazine Kennedy is waving to the crowd with his right hand. The right front lapel on Connallys suit flips up as the bullet passed through his chest. On 22nd October, 1951, Mac Wallace went to Kinsers miniature golf course. Still by still, Abraham Zapruder's home movie showed the world the assassination of President Kennedy, but the most infamous frame was kept from view.Subscri. Demonstrating what everyone has overlooked in the Zapruder film is the first aim of this article. I never heard that.. how, where, and when would he have assembled his rifle ? ), Dealey Plaza panorama, with gridlines, compass bearings, The Killing of a President. She has worked as a creative editor at E.P. Another thing you should know: Promoters of the lone assassin theory often stress the fact that one shot can sound like two. ): Incredibly, in 2021, nearly 58 years after the assassination, As noted there, Chaney Besides, a Derringer cannot blow the back of someones head off. Under his signature is that of CIA asset, Jane Roman. JFK Zapruder Film: All Frames & High Quality - YouTube Thanks for the link to the youtube video showing the Muchmore film and parts of Bobby Hargis's 1995 interview. FAQ The Enduring Power of the Zapruder Film - Texas Monthly (from with so many requests for a copy of my 2001 work that create a single panoramic image. Typical of the WC not to cover or investigate that important point i.e. Kennedy turns his head very rapidly from left to right. Thompsons new book emerged in 2021 A 'movie' film is nothing more than a series of still photos (frames.) I heard a loud report which sounded like a firecracker A disturbance in 679X caused me to look forward toward the Presidents car At the moment he was almost sitting erect I heard two [more] reports which I thought were shots and that appeared to me completely different in sound than the first report and were in such rapid succession that there seemed to be practically no time element between them. It's been called the most important 26 seconds of film in history: The 486 frames of 8-millimeter Bell + Howell home movie footage shot in the midday sun of Dallas on November 22, 1963, by a. Barbara Bush stated he was in Tyler, TX. especially clear copy of Zapruder frame #375, frames from the copy of his film are missing, shooting a revolver into a hard object it seemed to have some type of an echo, Between the time I originally grabbed the handhold and until I was up on the car the second noise that I heard had removed a portion of the Presidents head, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when I mounted the car it was it had a different sound, as though you were standing against something metal and firing into it, and you hear both the sound of a gun going off and the sound of the cartridge hitting the metal place, The right rear portion of his head was missing, Emmett Hudson, Dealey Plaza groundskeeper, Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens. The umbrella does not move and the dark complected man stands STILL throughout with his right arm in the air. the 6th floor window from where he allegedly fired the shots it was found way across the 6th floor, stashed behind a stack of boxes (presumably he put it there on his way to go down the stairs; actually the time it would have taken him to do that was an issue in the WCs attempt to reconstruct what happened). senior law enforcement officials in the lead car, as well as motorcycle The startle pattern is generally subtle in the extent of its motion. The little girl has stopped running. Stabilized HD versions of the Zapruder film (2006) In 2006 I created seven stabilized HD versions of the Zapruder film, running at real-time speed: Frames 133 to 486: Following the limo ( YouTube version ) Frames Z-001 to Z-257: Fixed camera pointing at the top of Elm Street ( YouTube version )